I resent myself for being a pedo. I want to stop looking at kids, but its hard to control myself, like ending a drug addiction. Thought about seeing a therapist but scared they will report me. Religious so suicide is not an option. What should I do?
> SpaceX said the third test flight will tackle “a number of ambitious objectives” that build on the lessons learned from the previous outings. For instance, the company is aiming to fire one of Starship’s Raptor engines while in space, open and close the vehicle’s payload door and transfer propellant between two of Starship’s tanks in orbit. Finally, SpaceX is also hoping to show that Starship can carry out a controlled re-entry through Earth’s atmosphere before splashing down in the Indian Ocean.
Heavy objects ACTUALLY fall faster than light objects. Yes, even in a vacuum.
>What, OP? You're a dumb monkey, s = 1/2 * gt^2 where g = gravitational constant. Mass of the object doesn't matter.
No, hear me out.
A heavy object will literally pull the Earth to it more than a light object will. Thus shortening the distance of the impact.
Any physicists can refute?
US has third bank plummeting in two weeks despite all the regulatory measures
Evergrande still stands lmao
Good afternoon
Churka assaulted me physically for refusing to let them bring a 3rd roomate in the room, which is already fine for two people, with only 2 waredrobes.
I hate churka fucking subhumans so much its unreal
Development of average annual wages 2000–2020 (US$ PPP) - includes inflation.
2000 - 21,131
2020 - 32,527
2000 - 16,111
2020 - 16,230
Why are wages in Latino countries so stagnant? And why is Mexico performing so poorly while being a neighbor of the USA? If Poland was a neighbour of the USA, we would be much richer than Canada, that's for sure.
Living in everlasting peace, having such a great neighbour, and still being shit - i can't comprehend it. Mexico doesn't even need to have an army, because the US Army is enough to guarantee security in the region.
How is it possible that American school education is so bad compared to the rest of the Wectern world while their university education is the best in the world?
Total posts: 34,
files: 9 (Drowned at Sun, 09 Mar 2025 12:05:05 GMT)
Because its don't. The average American high school education is well-rounded and prepares the best and brightest for achievement. Every school in this country has a normal mode and an AP mode for students that need the classical crunch experience.
We have to make excuses for niggers tanking math and literacy. I know it seems weird that this is the answer to almost every bad thing you hear about our institutions, but the damage cannot be understated.
>their university education is the best in the world?
according to whom? American press outlets and rating agencies?
Friendly reminder that nothing boosts your score in those rankings more than having more browns as students and teachers
I fucking love chess i have 3 boards. One made of wood one of glass and one cheap shitty dolalr store plastic board that my mom spilled coffee on and destroyed
Once again I am filled with despair and rage.
This world is a Kafkaesque nightmare realm designed purely to extract misery from us. We are born into this realm as slave nigger-cattle and will die as such. Our demonic overlords reign over us, mocking us and denying the slave nigger-cattle the right to be even a fraction of a fraction of a real human being. We are higher, divine beings stuffed into these flesh-vessels over and over again, forced to live out lives of horrific torment, then die pathetic worthless mongrel deaths and then are reincarnated to repeat the process all over again, thanks to the arbitrary whims of the Architect of this Realm and his minions, the Archons. We are their playthings, and everything that happens is essentially a big cosmic joke. That's what has been going on the past decade or so: our demonic overlords have basically gotten bored with things so they decided to turn everything into a big fucking joke and see how long until things melt down.
It's not just completely over for humanity, it never even began. We're not even humans, we're supposed to be 4D energy beings. Instead we're stuck here on a desert prison planet shithole nightmare realm and we're just pretending it's okay because "God will provide". Lmao, God is on their side and always has been, if he is not a myth made up to pacify us. These demons are the ones doing all the work.
We're stuck in Hell and it's only going to get worse from here on out. There is no hope.
Total posts: 3,
files: 1 (Drowned at Sat, 08 Mar 2025 19:29:53 GMT)
I won't. And don't you forget: The last generation of English, Scottish and Welsh males are being sold into an intentionally losing war so that Britania can finally be the Black/Queer/Muslum failed State. Your last generation of daughters will be sold and/or broken so King Upchuck The 0th will be remembered as "the Only Good One".
Rue Britania.