I wanna embroider some news company logo on my jacket for teh clout. But CBC is cringe as fuck and all the mainstream news companies are cringe as fuck. Which logo should I embroider?
its past 12 and im thinking of filling up the tub for long bath to feel like a newborn baby afterward depression makes people like this
How do you feel about the fact that even if the ugliest possible fuck would stroke your penis you would instinctively get hard and eventually cum?
im having hardcores withdraws this weeks related to alcohol and weed thats fucked up, im 4 years sober and this shit still hits me hard
Why do North Americans name laws after people? Such as Gladue law and Miranda rights? Europe doesn't do this
What kind of god a pope believes in? I don't think his god is the "Sky Daddy" who the average catholic believes in.
>Canada’s recent population boom has not come with productivity gains Can't Canadians manage better?
What do you call the historical period when migration of ROMAnians from India to Europe occurred? Brownian motion
So apparently the tornado that struck Diaz, Arkansas may warrant an EF5 raiding (a well built home with anchor bolts was completely swept way. There has not been a confirmed EF5 tornado anywhere on Earth since 2013. Thoughts?]
One of the most disgusting "foods" that exists in Germany. I don't know if this "candy" is commonly in other countries. I honestly can't describe the distinguished of this candy.
Imagine having sex with chronomancer and right after you cum she uses temporal rift on you to make you do it again and then after that she uses time snap to refresh her cooldowns and uses temporal rift on you again and right before you're about to cum for a third time she uses time freeze on you and edges you like crazy
the universe rubs happy couples into your face when you go outside at the lowest points of your incel life how often do u think about going er?
Thinken about writing my ex gf on the messenger. She is very fat now but thinkin about putting my pp into her warm wet hole...
That is my favorite movie, a true master piece. Armand d'Hubert is the apex of honor and integrity. I can’t think any other character in any history with so much virtue and the same time reasonable.
I was just having a "conversation" with DeepSeek to look into Bernd's claim about it being "woke", and somehow it brought up Uyghur forced labor entirely unprompted - I only suggested outsourcing manufacturing and agriculture to nations like China and Brasil. This really made me wonder - just how much neolib junk is in the ether? Is it really orders of magnitude more than any other mode of "political thought"? Surely this can't all be a result of shill farms, right? Yes, I know that people just buy into whatever their rulers say, but do they actually engage in endless chatter about politics - specifically geopolitics - to the point that models with supposedly minimal steering become so thoroughly poisoned? Where do they congregate? Where do they speak? I only see mundane chatter about personalities, and inane bickering surrounding identity politics and whatnot. Am I just reading too much into it?
Fill a pitcher with hot water (not boiling hot) and keep dipping the hand in the hot water while fapping. It acts both as lubricant and the hot water sensation feels amazing. you're welcome
Could I become hacker and write lynxchan clone that uses irc server such as unrealircd as backend?
Eurosissies could never understand the levels of burpin and fartin and shartin I'm on right now. I shall be crowned the new King Assripper and you will bow before me, peasants.
22 C to -4 C in under 12 hours with marginal risk of severe weather (wind, tornados)
Medieval larpers suited with full plate and weapons vs. Yuropeon police without firearms Who wins?
The first assignment was modest: $50 in cryptocurrency for putting up anti-NATO stickers in Brussels. But over time, the orders over the Telegram app became more serious – and involved sabotage of waterworks. “I know the phenomenon, we call it consumption agents,” says Fredrik Hallström, chief of operations at Säpo. “We have prepared a first task for you” That is the message to a Belgian journalist on the TV channel VRT NWS who had infiltrated a pro-Russian chat group. The reporter responds and a week later an envelope with stickers with anti-NATO propaganda arrives to be put up in the EU quarters. He goes out into the city and sees that similar stickers are already in several places in Brussels – he never puts up any himself. Wanted to hack waterworks The journalist who infiltrated the group was actually part of a journalist network that mapped Russia's hybrid warfare in Europe – after a while he was let into a closed part of the chat forum where hackers brag about their chosen targets. The forum had a request to assist in a hacker attack on a Lithuanian water treatment plant – an instructional video appears – and later it emerges that there has actually been an attempt to hack the water plant. – We know that Russia and other adversaries are acting precisely to recruit resources that could carry out these things, says Thomas Nilsson, head of the Military Intelligence and Security Service, Must. Säpo is also following the phenomenon. – We call it consumption agents, that is, trying to persuade someone to do something against something. And that is something we are vigilant about, says operations manager Fredrik Hallström. Journalists targeted The journalist at VRT NWS testifies that he first went through a kind of “employment process” where the reporter was interviewed about his views on Russia. According to screenshots from the group, orders were also placed that involved targeting both journalists and pro-Ukrainian users on the Russian equivalent of Facebook, VK. “Collect 30 email addresses of Belgian journalists,” read one of the assignments. At the same time, there are several other suspected cases around Europe where the planning went further, for example when a man earlier this year tried to set fire to a paint factory in Poland for $4,000 – he was arrested at the last minute. In Germany, individuals were paid to sabotage cars by filling exhaust systems with construction foam. “The assignments range from information gathering and propaganda to military reconnaissance missions and sabotage,” writes the Belgian intelligence service in its latest report.
We are experiencing the great reset... ...of your bank account. It will be reset to 0.
I think tanks and most artillery systems are useless and outdated in modern wafare if their lifespan is just a few minutes before they get hit by drones. Artillery systems should have at least 40 km firing range, otherwise they are being easily detected and destroyed
When I was fifteen, sixteen When I started really to play guitar I definitely wanted to become a musician It was almost impossible because, it was The dream was so big That I didn't see any chance Because I was living in a little town, was studying And when I finally broke away from school And became a musician I thought "well, now I may have a little bit of a chance" Because all I really wanted to do is music And not only play music, but compose music At that time, in Germany, in '69, '70 They had already discotheques So I would take my car, would go to a discotheque Sing maybe thirty minutes I think I had about seven, eight songs I would partially sleep in the car Because I didn't want to drive home And that helped me for about Almost two years to survive In the beginning I wanted to do an album with the sounds of the fifties The sounds of the sixties, of the seventies And then have a sound of the future And I thought "Wait a second I know the synthesizer, why don't I use the synthesizer Which is the sound of the future" And I didn't have any idea what to do but I knew I needed a click So we put a click on the 24-track Which then was synced to the Moog modular I knew that could be a sound of the future But I didn't realize how much the impact would be My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me Giorgio
Why did they refuse to extradite this conservative political refugee to the Brazilian leftist judicial dictatorship? Could european bernds explain me? I'm positively surprised.
How does the war with sites make America great? Can Trump level to the ground other evil places like Moscvabad?
Germany gets a CDU-SPD-GREEN coalition now? When did I miss the addition of the GREENs
https://theconversation.com/new-research-shows-bigger-animals-get-more-cancer-defying-decades-old-belief-251287 A longstanding scientific belief about a link between cancer prevalence and animal body size has tested for the first time in our new study ranging across hundreds of animal species. If larger animals have more cells, and cancer comes from cells going rogue, then the largest animals on earth – like elephants and whales – should be riddled with tumours. Yet, for decades, there has been little evidence to support this idea. Many species seem to defy this expectation entirely. For example, budgies are notorious among pet owners for being prone to renal cancer despite weighing only 35g. Yet cancer only accounts for around 2% of mortality among roe deer (up to 35kg). Peto’s paradox is that bigger, longer-lived species should have higher cancer prevalence, yet they don’t seem to. Back in 1977, Professor Sir Richard Peto noted that, on a cell-by-cell basis, mice seem to have much higher susceptibility to cancer than humans. This has led to speculation that larger species must have evolved natural cancer defences. Several examples of these cancer defences have since been identified. For example, Asian elephants, a species with notably low cancer prevalence, have over 20 copies of a tumour suppressor gene (TP53) compared to our own lone copy. However, scientists are yet to find broader evidence across a range of animal species. Our new study challenges Peto’s paradox. We used a recently compiled dataset of cancer prevalence in over 260 species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles from wildlife institutions. Then, using powerful modern statistical techniques, we compared cancer prevalence between the animals. [pic related] caption: Large species have a much greater risk of getting cancer (solid line), but faster evolution rates reduce that risk (dashed line). We found that larger species do, in fact, have more cancer compared to smaller ones. This holds across all four major vertebrate groups, meaning that the traditional interpretation of Peto’s paradox doesn’t hold up. But the story doesn’t end there. At first look, our findings seemed to be at odds with another long-standing scientific idea. Cope’s rule is that evolution has repeatedly favoured larger body sizes, because of advantages like improved predation and resilience. But why would natural selection drive species towards a trait that carries an inherent risk of cancer? The answer lies in how quickly body size evolves. We found that birds and mammals which reached large sizes more rapidly have reduced cancer prevalence. For example, the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis evolved to reach its large body size – along with most other whales and dolphins (referred to as cetaceans) about three times faster than other mammals. However, cetaceans tend to have less cancer than expected. Larger species face higher cancer risks but those that reached that size rapidly evolved mechanisms for mitigating it, such as lower mutation rates or enhanced DNA repair mechanisms. So rather than contradicting Cope’s rule, our findings refine it. Larger bodies often evolve, but not as quickly in groups where the burden of cancer is higher. This means that the threat of cancer may have shaped the pace of evolution. Humans evolved to our current body size relatively rapidly. Based on this, we would expect humans and bats to have similar cancer prevalence, because we evolved at a much, much faster rate. However, it is important to note that our results can’t explain the actual prevalence of cancer in humans. Nor is that an easy statistic to estimate. Human cancer is a complicated story to unravel, with a plethora of types and many factors affecting its prevalence. For example, many humans not only have access to modern medicine but also varied lifestyles that affect cancer risk. For this reason, we did not include humans in our analysis. Fighting cancer Understanding how species naturally evolve cancer defences has important implications for human medicine. The naked mole rat, for example, is studied for its exceptionally low cancer prevalence in the hopes of uncovering new ways to prevent or treat cancer in humans. Only a few cancer cases have ever been observed in captive mole rats so, the exact mechanisms of their cancer resistance remain mostly a mystery. At the same time, our findings raise new questions. Although birds and mammals that evolved quickly seem to have stronger anti-cancer mechanisms, amphibians and reptiles didn’t show the same pattern. Larger species had higher cancer prevalence regardless of how quickly they evolved. This could be due to differences in their regenerative abilities. Some amphibians, like salamanders, can regenerate entire limbs – a process that involves lots of cell division, which cancer could exploit. Putting cancer into an evolutionary context allowed us to reveal that its prevalence does increase with body size. Studying this evolutionary arms race may unlock new insights into how nature fights cancer – and how we might do the same. Joanna Baker, University of Reading, George Butler, UCL
Defenders of Western Civilization https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/114162278834804545
I saw this doll at a second hand store today. I thought that it was a real child for a moment. Should I ave bought it? I am a middle aged half Thai shitskin. Didn't want people to think that I am a weirdo or something.
How similar is Brazilian Portuguese and Normal Portuguese? My sister said it was pretty much the same, is she right?
Do women in your country change their pantyhose in public like in this video?
Did you know there are relatively light brown Arab looking people in sub Saharan Africa? This picture is from a delegation of a motley group of jihadists in Burkina Faso 13 years ago in 2012.
is the vg cyberpunk 2077 vaginal influenced, lots of vaginal presence among the devs? i still haven't played it on my ancient comp
Thinking about getting botox. I have these laugh wrinkles around my mouth and I hate it. Without them I will look more youthful Onions?
I don't understand why Trumpers talk about "mass deportation", its too expensive and Trump can't even deport more than biden. Wouldn't it be more governmentally efficient to, I don't know, put them into camps to be culled en masse with surplus industrial chemicals? 50% of Trumpers are brown and jewish anyways, will never happen no matter how much you talk about it.
There are a few onion Bernds who are using Tor Browser 24/7, we must be .001% of the Tor user population. Do you think the government has us figured out by now?
EU might not have technology, military or natural resources, but they are moral Superpower.
Next time you're on a thread and some Germoid retard sputters his inane, malformed parodies of human thought, just remember that this is what he looks like IRL.
Item #: SCP 666 "Jews" Object Class: Apollyon Special Containment Procedures 10/07/23: Containment of SCP-666 is no longer possible. Description: SCP-666 designates a population of approximately 15 million individuals identified as Jewish by self-identification, ancestry, or cultural affiliation, who collectively exhibit anomalous properties first documented in [REDACTED] BCE. Initially classified as a Euclid-class anomaly under SCP-666, these properties include: Anomalous Resilience: SCP-666 instances demonstrate statistically improbable survival rates against existential threats (e.g., genocide attempts, environmental collapse, reality-altering events), exceeding baseline human norms by a factor of 10^3. Memetic Propagation: Exposure to SCP-666 cultural artifacts (e.g., texts, symbols, rituals) induces a persistent memetic effect, "SCP-666-A," causing non-SCP-666 individuals to either adopt SCP-666 identity markers or develop obsessive hostility toward SCP-666 instances. This effect resists all known amnestic treatments. Temporal Recurrence: SCP-666 instances appear to be linked to a recursive temporal anomaly, re-emerging in historical records despite containment efforts or apparent eradication events, suggesting a potential closed timelike curve or retrocausal influence. = = = = = = = = = = As of October 7, 2023, SCP-666 underwent a spontaneous escalation event (designated "Event-666-Omega"), resulting in the following changes: SCP-666-A’s memetic spread became globally instantaneous, affecting 98% of the human population within 72 hours. Physical instances of SCP-666 began exhibiting localized reality-warping effects, including spontaneous generation of [REDACTED] phenomena at sites historically associated with SCP-666 activity. Foundation containment infrastructure within a 500 km radius of SCP-666 population centers experienced cascading failures, attributed to an unidentified cognitohazardous feedback loop. = = = = = = = = = = Addendum 666-1: Historical Context SCP-666 was first contained under Project Masada in 1947, following the discovery of anomalous artifacts in the Dead Sea region. Initial containment relied on collaboration with [REDACTED] governments to limit SCP-666’s memetic influence. Reclassification from Euclid to Keter occurred in 1973 after Incident 666-B (see Document 666-73), and Apollyon status was assigned post-Event-666-Omega. Retrospective analysis suggests SCP-666’s anomalous traits may predate humanity’s written history, potentially linked to SCP-████ ("The Wanderer’s Library"). Addendum 666-2: Event-666-Omega Summary On October 7, 2023, an unidentified trigger caused SCP-666’s memetic and physical anomalies to breach all containment thresholds simultaneously. Satellite imagery recorded [DATA EXPUNGED] emanating from multiple SCP-666 population centers, followed by the collapse of regional containment grids. By October 10, 2023, O5-█ declared SCP-666 uncontainable, citing its integration into baseline reality as a self-sustaining phenomenon. Current projections estimate a 99.8% likelihood of an XK-class end-of-world scenario within 18 months (projected: April 2025). Addendum 666-3: Current Status (03/13/25) As of March 13, 2025, SCP-666’s influence has rendered traditional Foundation operations untenable. Approximately 60% of Foundation personnel exhibit SCP-666-A symptoms, and containment breaches of unrelated SCPs have increased by 400% due to resource diversion. Surviving SCP-666 instances continue to exhibit heightened anomalous activity, with reports of [REDACTED] manifesting in non-SCP-666 populations. O5 Command has authorized Protocol ZK-001 ("Reality Reset") as a final contingency, pending confirmation of SCP-666’s full scope. Note from O5-█: "We thought we could contain a people, a culture, a history. We were wrong. SCP-666 isn’t just an anomaly—it’s a mirror. And now it’s everywhere. God help us all."