Want to see more threads and images? Ask Bernd!
R: 4 / F: 0

Would you suck Putin's dick to stop the war?

R: 8 / F: 0

RIP canadian identity

R: 7 / F: 0

Is it possible to poop and cum at the same time?

R: 8 / F: 0

Bernd birthday party

R: 7 / F: 0

How does other Languages sound to you?

R: 4 / F: 2

This is unironically your appearance

R: 8 / F: 4

I get paid in USD. Putin was doing everything to increase my salary, but then fucking Trump came and he keeps decreasing it.

R: 7 / F: 0

<Until March 12, 2025, or 71 days, East German wage workers will statistically work for free. Thirty-five years after the annexation of the GDR to the FRG, according to stepstone, there is a #wage gap between West and East of 16%. That's €637.50 less in the pay packet per month. "The wage gaps between #East and #West remain constant, and in some sectors they are even widening again. Ultimately, these are still the consequences of the deindustrialization of East Germany. For example, no DAX-listed company has a headquarters between the Elbe and Oder rivers. Furthermore, the collective bargaining coverage is scandalous. 56% of wage workers do not have a #collective agreement. The #low-wage sector is extremely pronounced in East Germany." >Thirty-five years after the annexation of the GDR to the FRG Lol they finally flipped on the Ossi switch after years of woke taqiyya

R: 5 / F: 0

Why do so many East Slavs come to Israel?

R: 10 / F: 3

Thinking about METH

R: 8 / F: 2

You may not like it but this is what peak female genetics look like

R: 10 / F: 1

Guys pumped out a flooded bunker under one of Stalin's dachas and look what I noticed unmentioned in the video - wooden blast doors. Suddenly, wooden doors in a gas chamber don't look so stupid.

R: 12 / F: 1

Do you think Paradox could make their first game worth playing in a decade and a half with EU5? I haven't given them a cent since I got EU4 for $5 (I absolutely hated it, the mana system is just infuriating) and haven't given them any real money since I bought CK2 on release (I pirated all the DLC except one I got gifted IIRC.) I occasionally read the "tinto talks" for "project Caesar" which if it isn't EU5 may as well be. I haven't kept up for half a year or so and recalled that it existed today. I can't think of anything negative I've seen about it. Lörs?

R: 7 / F: 6

new science dropped

R: 12 / F: 1

Ive though about a concept for a game; you are a cat stuck in a house and your main goal is to keep distracting your owner till he fail at different tasks. Mission 1; make him fail at the exams; Mission 2; make him get fired from home office job; Mission 3; keep sabbotaging scientific experiments related to the cure of aids or dissolving microplastics. Etc.

R: 6 / F: 2

Good night frens. I've had enough of this day

R: 9 / F: 1

What is the true self underneath all the information and faces

R: 6 / F: 1


R: 6 / F: 1

I saved a woman from armed home intruders once and she didnt even give me sex. Can you imagine. I practically saved her life and almost died and she didnt even suck my dick

R: 7 / F: 0

There's a Bernd under my bed. Is it safe to sleep or will he molest me ?

R: 5 / F: 1

religion is satanism

R: 6 / F: 10

Why do nonces look like this?

R: 8 / F: 1

sdikjhfgojhoikhhhhehuhehehe hehehehyvfghuvo mmömmömömömömö¨mmö¨mömömömömömmömömömömmömömöfh 9o 99 v9gh9 hv vg9ho 9v 0åååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååueh he heuh0huu8heuehousefhgbhsddxugfheuygfuseyh hue heguhhue huehg euhgheghueuh huguheghjeguh 0gg9us esgsuhsghu ehushueg usuhsduhh e8gf gsreh< <7hug8s90uush s g<rz 0zhg78uh<gh sg <zf 0z7h<h8g9g b<ts e zbwz7<ys80yt9utysb tbe 45 0b7t8t 5t7084704570894w578w9wuuyuuwy54ww78w9wyuu u5yww4eawa78yu0 5u4y9weazw 748w yuzayebe0w9 zb84b0yuz u9uzb öäööääömöämmäömöämäömöämäömäömö'mmäöm'äöm'äömä'ö'mm'mmååååååååååömmåömåmåmåmåmmåmåmååä.,.,.,m.ö,m,m.-,m-.m,-.m,.-,m.-,m.-,m.-,m.-m,-.,m.-,m,m-.,m.-,m.-,m,mm,,m,m,m,m,ååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååå.ö.m,ö,mööö,,ö,ö,ö,,ö,ö,ö,ö,ååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååååå777

R: 8 / F: 0

How do I acquire a wife who looks like this?

R: 9 / F: 1

bernd should read this book

R: 9 / F: 1

The conquistadors are not what they used to be.

R: 8 / F: 0

I've been using imageboards for over 10 years now. The first was 4chan /mlp/ when I was 14. I seek after Death, but cannot find it, and I desire to die, but Death flees from me.

R: 11 / F: 4

What are you looking at, Yuropeon

R: 8 / F: 3

anime experts, what anime to watch? preferably something that came out in the last 5 years not old shit

R: 10 / F: 2

>men age like wine

R: 5 / F: 1

If everyone is forced to get a neural chip and there would be the market for false memories, I'd implant myself memories of some drunkard who does unhinged florida-man-tier shit when drunk I would have so many cool stories to tell without adverse effects of participation in that chaos

R: 9 / F: 1

What can I use my old laptop for?

R: 4 / F: 0

why come France didn't rename the towns in Alsace? kinda weak move

R: 5 / F: 0

Indian character literally named A POO that is legit hilarious. What can compare from the nowadays shows?

Being a man is a mental disorder
R: 9 / F: 12

33 years as a woman 5 years as a man

R: 17 / F: 2

there is so many 20th century movies, western european, eastern european, american, c which despict a hebe protagonist which falls deeply in romantic love with an adult which doesn't love her back in the same way why were our ancestors such cucks? or are the movies some sort of mkultra to try and manipulate people into not fucking hebes anymore?

R: 7 / F: 1

From now on I'll just say 'globalist' to get my point across politically without seeming too overbearing, heh.

R: 7 / F: 8

>Paris will never be White again

R: 6 / F: 0

how come wanting to pee makes men so horny? who came up with this? who benefits?

Transgender troops say Pentagon is causing chaos with sudden policy reversal
R: 9 / F: 2

Text hidden

R: 9 / F: 0

soyence in sweden agree FLOURIDE in the water makes you retarded

R: 6 / F: 0

Pura 70 Ultra still is best cameraphone. Since april 2024. I wonder what will happen in the 80 Ultra version.

R: 25 / F: 27


R: 10 / F: 1

i'm still having trouble getting used to my fame. today i didn't have a brief paranoid fit and chased this person through the store and took a picture of him (just like he did shortly before). today a mother photographed me from about 30 meters away. in addition her child waved at me afterwards. i then hid behind a pillar. the worst thing is when people smile at me because i have a very flat affect and can't smile back.

R: 11 / F: 2

everything is boring and annoying

R: 10 / F: 2

average polish male physique

R: 7 / F: 1

Me? I am just a late bloomer.

R: 4 / F: 0

why niggers didnt domesticate lyons like whites tamed cats?

R: 6 / F: 0

Have you ever been cucked? Me: No

R: 7 / F: 2

would you fuck an emasculated sissy man?

R: 6 / F: 1

Male sex symbol suffers from Ozempic face

R: 4 / F: 0

I just imposed 50% tariffs on Kohlposts. What u gonna do about it cuck? Now you must pay €1 to me every time you post.

R: 9 / F: 2

Scared yet Danetits? Hope they blow off your boobies with a drone when you get mogilized to defend and icy rock

Nordstroms 2
R: 4 / F: 0

Has it been fixed yet ?

R: 7 / F: 1

"I can't take other people's safety and feelings into account because then I won't get what I want" Bernd, you will get the HIV of the faggots, too: HIV->Faggot->Bi-Sexual->Female->Bernd

R: 7 / F: 0

I don't have a close one, a human being I could hug and share my deepest thoughts with. It feels awful.

R: 3 / F: 0

Has Bernd ever broken a bone?

R: 6 / F: 0

Thank god for technology, thanks to headphones and high speed internet I don't have to listen to my unhinged mother screech in the other room

R: 5 / F: 0

You can take back ur shit, Yurop You too England #MuricanMade

R: 4 / F: 1

Asked my oneitis to spend a weekend together, she said she has a wedding in September. It's over, but at least I tried.

another pointless thread
R: 11 / F: 2

This thread is also as useless as a radio tube.

R: 5 / F: 2


R: 13 / F: 0

>listening to Rechtsrock in my car with open windows >while wearing merch of a left wing extremists >omw to the Asian store r8 settis

R: 7 / F: 4

Man, this beautiful nigga a champion, why is he always nervous? He is so pleasing to look at though, like a classic statue.

R: 6 / F: 1

Is this true

R: 6 / F: 1

must consoom

R: 5 / F: 1


R: 17 / F: 13

Good morning

R: 10 / F: 3

Perhaps there is really no such thing as a Revolution recorded in history. What happened was always a Counter-Revolution. Men were always rebelling against the last rebels; or even repenting of the last rebellion

R: 6 / F: 4

Goodnight subhumans Laptop died so i was on phone on kc all might lots of insane schizo garbage here Ill buy new charger when i wake up

flaccid cooming
R: 9 / F: 1

Fellow Berndcels, can you coom with flaccid benis? Me: yes. Basically only tip stimulation, no stroking. The orgasm feels very different. Kind of feminine. The coom also does not explode out of the tip, but slowly creeps out like from a leaky cmetana can.

R: 8 / F: 0

Do you listen to FM stations? For what?

R: 9 / F: 2

I wonder what will be going through through Musk mind as he comes to terms with larping as a 2013 gamergate fedora libterarian redditor IRL was not such a good idea. I mean he doesn't even understand that the 15 year old "hello this is doge" meme is not even funny but he double down on that. What is it? Panic? Despair? When he closes his night and sees the red dragon in his dreams will he then realize he was wrong and that only communism works?

R: 5 / F: 1

I overclocked my cpu from 3.5ghz to 4.5ghz, now I can finally run calculation on how to get a gf.

R: 6 / F: 1

Legendary stuff brewing

R: 8 / F: 2

Liverpool? more like LOOSERPOOL HAHAHAHAHA

R: 10 / F: 0

If a strange woman ever complimented me I don't think I'd be able to produce a coherent response

R: 7 / F: 0

You gain absolute knowledge of what happens within the next 10 years. You have an hour to do whatever you want with that knowledge, and then you're frozen for 10 years. WYD?

R: 3 / F: 1

Look I can't resist it anymore. I need to create a thread about Poland. I'm sorry, I tried my best to withstand this feeling

R: 13 / F: 0

Went to see a dental hygienist today for the first time. The difference is amazing, my teeth aren't yellow anymore. If one of my front 2 upper teeth weren't missing and the other broken then I'd have a decent smile by British standards.

R: 5 / F: 4

Kohl generated a thread a few days earlier, asking if you should resist the thieves and risk getting killed.

R: 13 / F: 7

I dont want to become a old man

R: 7 / F: 3

Japs h8 niggers

R: 6 / F: 2

this is how slavic women look like according to marvel comics

R: 6 / F: 1

Would you have sex with yourself if you were a girl?

R: 8 / F: 1

Why must we suffer this imbecile?

R: 9 / F: 1

what does KC think of blonde blue-eyed women?

R: 5 / F: 0

My underage friend with benefits was robbed at gunpoint today You can't own shit on this godforsaken land

R: 25 / F: 14

stop fucking boosting my ego I am sorry and I apologise

R: 6 / F: 1

When you think about it, ancient greek dress was basically tarps wrapped around naked bodies in hot summer heat

R: 7 / F: 1

thanks uncle donny :DDD t. elon

R: 7 / F: 5


R: 7 / F: 1

Imagine eating this good.

R: 9 / F: 4

I have to wear sunglasses so that people feel relax around me and act genuinely friendly like I'm a beautiful person. I think maybe my eyes gaze too intense and hostile. Last night after a work out I got fucked up and even at the stage where you feel animosity, paranoia, vulnerability, I was wearing sunglasses and a hat, so my face looked kinda handsome, I look fit, and gangster looking 20 something muslim dudes and niggers acted friendly toward me, even though i felt hostile af. just because sunglasses were hiding my gaze. but i hate hiding my eyes behind sunglasses because they also make you invisible and i need attention and love.

R: 8 / F: 2

Imagine being forced by the law to go to a daycare center basically for half the year because of some misunderstandings, god, I hate society

R: 8 / F: 2

can someone post video tutorial on how to bypass that thing so i can post with proxy or on tor ?

R: 4 / F: 1

Presented here is my literal and figurative appearance.

R: 10 / F: 4

Your race? Me white (Slav).

R: 6 / F: 0

I bought oculus quest 3 and rtx 4080 exclusively for gooning T. 30yo neet

R: 9 / F: 6

What pops into your head when you hear litography?