I haven't eaten pussy in more than one year. I'm going insane, I think about sex 24/7.
Poland will get its first pencil skyscraper, ultra-thin tower will be built in the center of Warsaw, each floor will be one apartment
Who pays these creatures? One day they shit on Israel, other day they low key suck up to Israel, and on and on
The first time I watched this as a kid I couldn't understand shit (also it was boring). Going to give it another try soon. Also Macross Plus is an excellent anime.
Your government issued GF has arrived, but she is transactional in nature, you can fuck her however you like, but only if she peggs you first with her horse cock strap-on. What is lörs?
What is a good "it's over" metric for life? Wanna know whether to get off my ass and work or just embrace the failure/embrace the rope
Is anyone else bothered by the lack of diversity in the world? Religion has been the most destructive. Imagine a world were ancient Kemet tier Egyptians still existed. Ancient Hellenic tier Greeks in Southern Italy. Or old Norse tier Swedes ruling Ukraine. Instead we have these melting pot abominations that are the Western or Muslim world.
This story is kind of sad. She was manipulated by her friend. A manipulative and evil BPDemon who made her kill the other girl. The friend also had better lawyers so she got off easily. She lost her childhood and now she will lose her youth and beauty.
Is Finland the worst place in Europe? - Extremely poor in terms of purchasing power parity - Ugly, most settlements are crude commieblocks, many of which are abandoned - Only one niceish area, built by the Russian tsar and a German architect, in Helsinki - People are primitive and ugly, as well as lazy and entitled - Hyperfeminist - Hardcore Stalinist government
bigger chance of winning in euro jackpot or that one of my side projects will make me millionaire?
How do you cope, fellow macacos? I have all the windows open, i took my laptop table into the middle of the room, i'm completely naked, i put up a fresh cotton sheet on top of my chair, i sawed off the handles, yet i'm still sweating like a beast. The sheet gets wet immediately because my back's sweating like crazy, and it's very uncomfortable. >you fat no!
You incels always call me colon gypsy that colon gypsy this. Also calling me brown. This brown gypsy managed to kiss so far two Ayrian girls, one from Norway, one from Austria. And I didn‘t even speak German. What are your excuses not getting a gf? You are just lazy asses, deal with it.
Had to talk to deutsche bahn hotline, after 25 minutes of waiting time a merkelman answered, he sounded hammered or sad and didnt gave the impression of knowing what he talked about. But he gave me a hint as to solve my problem which worker. I was very nice to him at that point (before that I was lawful neutral), telling him that he helped me a lot. I could immeditately hear him lighten up. This felt really good, maybe I prevented another truck incident by being nice
how do I become the bad guy? how do I join the bad guys? I'm lawful bad already what's next
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPxqrS9qnYw Are you ready for the 120 hour workweek?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BRw1MmiRjo This guy's English is literally perfect and he talks the truth. Switzerland will continue to suck up the best whites from Europe, meanwhile countries like Germany will deteriorate into brownism. Rate demographics predictions
This free and wild Duck with uninhibited testosterone craves female companionship. But when I write about tfw no gf, there will be at least one German in the thread calling me gay and whiny, which I somewhat agree. Almost every [non-rap] song by a man is about loving a woman. Even though these artists already have unlimited drugs and whores. Bernds, it's okay to express that you want a gf or wife.
share your first world problems I was looking forward to some apple cake but it has frozen stuck in the freezer, now i need to dig out a heat gun to get it out
I have used Firefox and Firefox based web browsers for years. Usually in the history, once you get to thew "older than six months" area, I'd have stuff going all the way back to when I first installed the browser. Years worth of history. For the current Firefox based browser I am using, Mypal, I installed it in December 2023 but history only goes back to end of April 2024, so it has been erasing itself. I used to selectivity clean out my history but I never have on this browser, so I assume I hit a size limit for amount of history stored. Where does one modify the amount of history Firefox can hold? (not igor btw)
I do wish to wake the Jews up, for their sakes as well as ours, to the practical nature and prodigious scale of the charges their enemies really have against them; just as I wish to wake the English up to the charges the Irish have against them.
A man who thinks hard about any subject for several years is in horrible danger of discovering the truth about it.
If I was a doctor I would legally order all disabled's to the electric chamber.
c void do_stuff(thing_s x[static 1]);This is a modern C style signature for a function that takes a non-null pointer to an object. Say something nice about it.
3-phase AC ASYNCHRONOUS MOTOR Simple construction, cheap, reliable and durable.
I wish i could just remove incognito mode its annoying that something so stupid exists. Fucking retards
it's cool to hate Tate because he is a dysgenic nigger but i listen to what he says and agree with everything
Had to get new phone. Cost 500$ lame. Got my juggernaut cvt installed though. Cool.
Why do I even keep living? I don't enjoy it anyway. I don't enjoy being on kc either. I've suffered enough, please let me go now
I dislike oversocialized liberal "soy" men and I don't know how to appreciate them.
If Mohammad bin Salman learned Spanish would he be considered a white Hispanic?
Conor Mcgregor was invited to The White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sehdxLhx3tU
I try avoid peak times at ans gym but there are still keins and women in revealing and tight clothing. I suffer around fit white women r8
i mean, its great that gaming on Linux is better than on windows these days, but boy, theres still room for improvement