Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:43:25 GMT
No. 25649013
Good to see you are counting too
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:49:39 GMT
No. 25649039
I am water fasting each Friday for Lent, and broke my fast at 12:30 AM because I hadn't had any electrolytes (couldn't find the tube of drink pellets I use) and couldn't sleep, so I made a couple English muffins with peanut butter and raspberry jam, one of those easily hit 400-500 calories, peanut butter really packs on calories
I'm now 3200 calories in today which is the most I've had in a long time, but I've also supposedly burned 1500 calories yesterday and 1200 today and didn't eat for 29h so get over 2000 BMR too, should still be 1500 or more calories in deficit over 2 days
The more you count the more you can just look at something and know how much energy you are getting
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:54:37 GMT
No. 25649056
pushed 3000 yesterday with this bad boy, but only had 1150 today to compensate
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:57:23 GMT
No. 25649069
just drank 320 kcal of bovine excretions
really hitt the sppt
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:58:20 GMT
No. 25649080
it's called kotleta
it's made from a cat meat
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 01:00:52 GMT
No. 25649096
I am water fasting each Friday for Lent, and broke my fast at 12:30 AM because I hadn't had any electrolytes (couldn't find the tube of drink pellets I use) and couldn't sleep, so I made a couple English muffins with peanut butter and raspberry jam, one of those easily hit 400-500 calories, peanut butter really packs on calories
I'm now 3200 calories in today which is the most I've had in a long time, but I've also supposedly burned 1500 calories yesterday and 1200 today and didn't eat for 29h so get over 2000 BMR too, should still be 3500 or more calories in deficit over 2 days
The more you count the more you can just look at something and know how much energy you are getting