Do you really need the newest and best supercomputer GPU to play the latest shitty piss ass games or is it just gen alpha dumbfucks who don't know what a settings is?
I wanna embroider some news company logo on my jacket for teh clout. But CBC is cringe as fuck and all the mainstream news companies are cringe as fuck. Which logo should I embroider?
I like the idea of getting fucked in the ass by female knowing she is physically weaker than me
My problem is a defiance of God, Creation, and mostly, a defiance of my own existence. I will have no children, and I will not bother with this world. I know it's not the end, there is Something Else and I will defy it till I am destroyed on the atomic and subatomatic level.
JD Vance attends a classical music concert and people notice him, you won't guess what happens next.
One of the most disgusting "foods" that exists in Germany. I don't know if this "candy" is commonly in other countries. I honestly can't describe the distinguished of this candy.
In japan is it more common to stretch AFTER practice? i see it a lot in anime like today on my volley ball show In america we always just stretched before it gives you a chance to warm up or come in late? is it just an anime plot device or do nippon really prefer post stretching?
the universe rubs happy couples into your face when you go outside at the lowest points of your incel life how often do u think about going er?
Fill a pitcher with hot water (not boiling hot) and keep dipping the hand in the hot water while fapping. It acts both as lubricant and the hot water sensation feels amazing. you're welcome
Could I become hacker and write lynxchan clone that uses irc server such as unrealircd as backend?
Ever wonder why all celebrities on wikipedia have pictures of them that are at least 10, maybe 15 years old? Are they afraid to present themselves as they are, their real age?
Eurosissies could never understand the levels of burpin and fartin and shartin I'm on right now. I shall be crowned the new King Assripper and you will bow before me, peasants.
>Detective Melissa Mercado is a $144,000-a-year New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who has been with the force for seven years, records show. Do you find it hot when women have to behave professional and decent during the day, but are actually massive sluts and exhibitionists?
Medieval larpers suited with full plate and weapons vs. Yuropeon police without firearms Who wins?
Why do people nowadays associate religion, especially Catholicism with being right wing? 99% of people who go to church are completely normal people and not chronically online the west has fallen chuds
doing deadlifts induces pain in the rectum at nighttime, what is this? is it hemorrhoids?
okay listen up. last week o complained about CDN Iconic, but that one turned out to be good after a couple days macerating. BUT THIS SHIT HERE OUTRIGHT STINKS. it smells like an awful deodorant, and its so strong it literally makes me wanna puke, ive never seen a perfume smell this bad before. people compare it to creed aventus and dior sauvage online, but how could those smell this bad? its been 2 days now and the smell is still bad, i have no hopes for this. 340brl wasted. i cant believe anyone ever said good things about this. i genuinely feel cheated, this cant be what its supposed to smell like. i own dior and it smells NOTHING like this
Money is not a problem I need in my life I just want to live I don't want to spend my life running around to get money
is it accurate to say that russians were the first proto-cattle race, of which all other cattle races were modeled after like americans and brazilians?
I thought how the Russians would react if something like the seizure of Waco happened, we already have the experience of Beslan and Nord-Ost where the special services were the main reason for the death of the hostages and the majority of Russians are still on the side of the state and believe that the government did everything right
Elon Musks Twitter is down KohlChan™ prevails? Coincidence? Its up to you to decide
We are experiencing the great reset... ...of your bank account. It will be reset to 0.
Do you listen to podcasts? I don't. I can't stand to hear people yapping for hours.
Post your programming hobby projects. Codegarchs keep walking, this is a NEET thread.
"Christian" organizations runs by jews and to a lesser extent by jeets. Why is this so common?
Were you aware that Kumar is a Russian narkoman slang from way back in the soviet era.
I think tanks and most artillery systems are useless and outdated in modern wafare if their lifespan is just a few minutes before they get hit by drones. Artillery systems should have at least 40 km firing range, otherwise they are being easily detected and destroyed
What is it that underlies the claims of the paranormal/supernatural? Some like Jacques Valle or John Keel or Allen Hynek or Jung postulated this vague hypothesis that it was tied to some manifestation of the human group mind, though to what degree was unclear (either actually creating tulpas, to simply mental archetypes being applied to external phenomena). To me, this seems slightly more plausible than the idea that a person has an immortal spirit that can "haunt" a place, or that extraterrestrials from light-years away have come to this planet just to fuck with us and act in absurd fashion. But at the same time, I don't outright just accept the theory that it's a manifestation of the human mind. If it were, I think it would be reasonable to say existence would be much more chaotic, and high strangeness much more visible or prominent.
Why did they refuse to extradite this conservative political refugee to the Brazilian leftist judicial dictatorship? Could european bernds explain me? I'm positively surprised. A longstanding scientific belief about a link between cancer prevalence and animal body size has tested for the first time in our new study ranging across hundreds of animal species. If larger animals have more cells, and cancer comes from cells going rogue, then the largest animals on earth – like elephants and whales – should be riddled with tumours. Yet, for decades, there has been little evidence to support this idea. Many species seem to defy this expectation entirely. For example, budgies are notorious among pet owners for being prone to renal cancer despite weighing only 35g. Yet cancer only accounts for around 2% of mortality among roe deer (up to 35kg). Peto’s paradox is that bigger, longer-lived species should have higher cancer prevalence, yet they don’t seem to. Back in 1977, Professor Sir Richard Peto noted that, on a cell-by-cell basis, mice seem to have much higher susceptibility to cancer than humans. This has led to speculation that larger species must have evolved natural cancer defences. Several examples of these cancer defences have since been identified. For example, Asian elephants, a species with notably low cancer prevalence, have over 20 copies of a tumour suppressor gene (TP53) compared to our own lone copy. However, scientists are yet to find broader evidence across a range of animal species. Our new study challenges Peto’s paradox. We used a recently compiled dataset of cancer prevalence in over 260 species of amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles from wildlife institutions. Then, using powerful modern statistical techniques, we compared cancer prevalence between the animals. [pic related] caption: Large species have a much greater risk of getting cancer (solid line), but faster evolution rates reduce that risk (dashed line). We found that larger species do, in fact, have more cancer compared to smaller ones. This holds across all four major vertebrate groups, meaning that the traditional interpretation of Peto’s paradox doesn’t hold up. But the story doesn’t end there. At first look, our findings seemed to be at odds with another long-standing scientific idea. Cope’s rule is that evolution has repeatedly favoured larger body sizes, because of advantages like improved predation and resilience. But why would natural selection drive species towards a trait that carries an inherent risk of cancer? The answer lies in how quickly body size evolves. We found that birds and mammals which reached large sizes more rapidly have reduced cancer prevalence. For example, the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis evolved to reach its large body size – along with most other whales and dolphins (referred to as cetaceans) about three times faster than other mammals. However, cetaceans tend to have less cancer than expected. Larger species face higher cancer risks but those that reached that size rapidly evolved mechanisms for mitigating it, such as lower mutation rates or enhanced DNA repair mechanisms. So rather than contradicting Cope’s rule, our findings refine it. Larger bodies often evolve, but not as quickly in groups where the burden of cancer is higher. This means that the threat of cancer may have shaped the pace of evolution. Humans evolved to our current body size relatively rapidly. Based on this, we would expect humans and bats to have similar cancer prevalence, because we evolved at a much, much faster rate. However, it is important to note that our results can’t explain the actual prevalence of cancer in humans. Nor is that an easy statistic to estimate. Human cancer is a complicated story to unravel, with a plethora of types and many factors affecting its prevalence. For example, many humans not only have access to modern medicine but also varied lifestyles that affect cancer risk. For this reason, we did not include humans in our analysis. Fighting cancer Understanding how species naturally evolve cancer defences has important implications for human medicine. The naked mole rat, for example, is studied for its exceptionally low cancer prevalence in the hopes of uncovering new ways to prevent or treat cancer in humans. Only a few cancer cases have ever been observed in captive mole rats so, the exact mechanisms of their cancer resistance remain mostly a mystery. At the same time, our findings raise new questions. Although birds and mammals that evolved quickly seem to have stronger anti-cancer mechanisms, amphibians and reptiles didn’t show the same pattern. Larger species had higher cancer prevalence regardless of how quickly they evolved. This could be due to differences in their regenerative abilities. Some amphibians, like salamanders, can regenerate entire limbs – a process that involves lots of cell division, which cancer could exploit. Putting cancer into an evolutionary context allowed us to reveal that its prevalence does increase with body size. Studying this evolutionary arms race may unlock new insights into how nature fights cancer – and how we might do the same. Joanna Baker, University of Reading, George Butler, UCL
I saw the most beautiful little girl ive ever seen at mcdonalds earlier i wish i had taken a picture Also goodnight
Womanoids are already half naked, wearing tops and mini skirts. I suffer t.incel
Jesus Christ I'm on my 8th beer, this tachycardia is going to fuck me over tonight, I hate everything fucking kill me already GOD
How similar is Brazilian Portuguese and Normal Portuguese? My sister said it was pretty much the same, is she right?
downloaded new avengers it was full of niggers and looked like it had the budget of xena tv series 6gb wasted
It must feel pretty amazing to truly be proud of your country, and not just because you were born in it or have lived in it all your life, but because it makes your life better than if you were anywhere else.
Did you know there are relatively light brown Arab looking people in sub Saharan Africa? This picture is from a delegation of a motley group of jihadists in Burkina Faso 13 years ago in 2012.
Thinking about getting botox. I have these laugh wrinkles around my mouth and I hate it. Without them I will look more youthful Onions?
Lol. Hows that working out for you Mister President ?
I think NPCs hate ornate yet objectively beautiful things because their herding instinct overrides their innate sense of beauty. Ornament is not in fashion, it contradicts slave morality, submissive minimalism is the style of our times. Those who love and radiate beauty are afflicted with jealousy. The anger and jealousy of the masses is feared by the current decadent and worthless ruling class. Among them it became a sign of good manners not to be too bold and to be ashamed of one's wealth in a certain way. But that didn't resolve the status game. The equally decadent lower classes have noticed that a reserved lifestyle is now a value among the upper classes. And because these hypnotic masses think that what the upper class considers good must be high status and also good. So minimalism gained high status. Thus, classical high-status behavior (which was characterized by boldness and the expression of beauty) became a mark of lower-class behavior, behavior that does not conform to modern customs. The worship of ugliness and minimalism became high-class behavior. And in this way the Herdenmensch stood against beauty in the name of fashion.
Take the name of a movie and replace one of the words with "bum", "bummed", or "bumming", I'll begin. - The Fast and the Bummed - Bummed Hard - No Bumming for Old Men - Schindler's Bumming - The Bumming of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
I have some old books that are pdf and djvu formatted.What are the best ways to print them out as a paperback physical books with non professional household printer? any video instructions, any experiences?
Is this soy series even good? I consumed very little media made after PS4 release and I see "oh this game is from 2018 thats recent maybe its good" then I realize 2018 was almost 10 years ago.
There are a few onion Bernds who are using Tor Browser 24/7, we must be .001% of the Tor user population. Do you think the government has us figured out by now?
The happiest day for Abraham. No more listening to hoholian oinking all the day. The sun is shining and he is among the friends at last
EU might not have technology, military or natural resources, but they are moral Superpower.
Next time you're on a thread and some Germoid retard sputters his inane, malformed parodies of human thought, just remember that this is what he looks like IRL.