Is this soy series even good? I consumed very little media made after PS4 release and I see "oh this game is from 2018 thats recent maybe its good" then I realize 2018 was almost 10 years ago.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 12:01:55 GMT
No. 25608046
Warhammer 40k is a tabletop game
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 12:07:32 GMT
No. 25608067
>Is this soy series even good?
well it had one good idea
the emperor is completely false indeed, that's true factual history
originally it was some kind of faggot you can see on top of ISIS or early USSR
but the image of the emperor is embodiment of the will of people of the empire, and it wears the actual emperor as a skin
reviving emperor with its actual memories would destroy the myth, so nobody cares to do it and all attempts of chaos to create an inheritor, that would stop the cycle of emperor being embodiment of the people's will, is crushed by inquisition to a lot of tears from the chaosites
other than 1. that
2. occasional release of shootemup from Russian developers and
3. reenactment / cosplay with a potential to go real (just like jews did with their ancient israel cosplay)
the series is dead
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 12:33:08 GMT
No. 25608113
I've never played or seen any tabletop game
did enjoy some of the books though
Is the Horus heresy stuff as boring as it starts? First time I couldn't get into a Dan Abnett book