This is how you treat females. They will even remain quite faithful and loyal as long as you treat them so.
Funny YouTube thumbnail that came into my feed for some reason. I don't want to watch this slop, mostly because it looks like a woman's going to speak throughout the video. Does Bernd have lörs on this topic? If not, that's ok, I don't either.
I NEVER watch female content creators If I open and interesting video and hear a female voice I close it immediately. rate
Oooohm I will not simp oooohm My HS crush contacted me out of the blue..... To participate in a raffle to help her pay a course or something What should I tell her Bernds?
To any USA bernds who need a job, you can get hired now to just simply stand outside a store waiting in line for Pokemon cards. At $20 an hour all you literally have to do is wait several hours until the store opens, that's it.
Today I was at the gym doing lat pull downs, and next to me there were 2 young beautiful women. When I finished I said hey you have a nice technique, you're supposed to keep your back straight as you're doing and they said thank you that's good to know!, and smiled back. After that I was doing another exercise and a guy my age came and helped me improve my technique, because I was doing it incorrectly, and we were talking for a while and I even asked his name. I've literally never done anything like this, everywhere I go I'm just isolated, I feel so realized
P. Diddy violently assaulted and raped several women and young men over the course of many decades.
From a Swedish guy who lives in Brazil
Youtube algorithm keeps recomending me absolute nobodys with like 50 views all the time. I don't want to see some nobodys. I only want to see famous people.
Every few years I purge people I know out of my life. I recently purged everyone I could. But there is some left. A boomer that helps me a little and expects me to slave in exchange. I just blocked him. And will never see him against. Will avoid him and not go to any social functions with him. This way I don’t have to deal with him trying to guilt trip me to slave for him. And as far as the other social stuff involved with him. Fuck those people too. Do you Bernd ever purge people out of your life?
>school groupwork >get paired with a 6/10 stacy >she sits next to you >starts talking about some random shit >try to respond your voice is noticably cracking >she smiles and continues the conversation while doing our work >your heart starts beating like crazy >hands are shaking all the time >teacher comes to us >everything okay bernd? you look really pale >yeah no problem >drink 1,5l water within the next 30 mins trying to not pass out how do I fight this? my school doesnt have many girls so Im propably just not used to talking to them 19yo, engineering school
Is there something like an air-filter you can put in your room so there is no more dust?
A Swiss 🇨🇭woman from Basel praises an Eritrean immigrant who works as a cleaner and cleans the city of Basel. She also thanks Eritrea 🇪🇷
>1944 >the year that americans and their brit lapdogs invadeed Europe never forgettig
How much is this 1.5L bottle of Jim Beam in your cunt? Its 50 fluid ounces for 20 bucks. I should have bought omre. Its at Kaufland right now. People also looked at me funny with that huge bottle.
German girl streamer is gonna go to jail because she played macklemore song on her stream, specifically because of this picture in the song. Its considered volksverhetzung. If you compare palestinians being killed with holocaust, it downplays the holocaust, so its illegal. Just sharing it will land you in jail.
I have a new stalker. Maybe it's the same one. At least she's appeared several times now and got so close to me while I was shopping that I was afraid she might stab me at that moment. She is standing outside right now. I can hear her. Because it's winter, there's still gravel on the paths. I feel like she was the one manipulating the entrance door. Because you can see in her face that she is distressed and mentally disturbed. Pocahontas was most likely harmless and I haven't seen her in over a month. I almost miss her now. Maybe I am going to get night vision cameras so that I can show you Any recommendations?
Rate this funny chatgpt greentext. >be me >decides to be fit >buys expensive sneakers, gym clothes and whey >first day: runs for 5 minutes and almost dies >second day: wakes up unable to move legs >third day: "I deserve a day of rest" >fourth day: "you can't train without good food" >fifth day: orders a giant combo at fast food "to gain energy" >never goes back to the gym >still has unopened whey on the shelf after 6 months
>Dr. Joël Le Scouarnec is accused of raping or sexually assaulting 299 people, mostly his patients, mostly children, over 25 years, in the country’s largest-ever pedophilia case. Pedos are good people uh?
I haven't masturbated in 2 weeks The first week was difficult because I masturbated every day, I would wake up in the middle of the night. Now I'm calm. I want to go at least 1 month without it.
I miss older times when you could just pillage and rape weaker tribes Imagine woman having no choice but to be one of your many wives and seeing how you breed other women They probably evolved to enjoy that
I worry about what would happen if you genuinely stopped caring about what others might think. It seems like it would be a quick way to a fast death.
Jan 6 was a honeypot for the dumbest white niggers in the country and the first thing Orange Nigger does is let them all loose and he still didn't lock up Hillary or build a wall.
>trump announces a strategic crypto reserve >prices pump 10% >drop the next day lol its fucking over. weakest pump on huge news.
You can now become a citizen of the best country in the world at a cost of $5 million.
If you had a BBC would you still be a bitter virgin incel complaining on the KC??
more people have died in Brazil from homicides since 2022 than Ukrainian soldiers KIA 2022-2024 Brazilian homicides: 150,000 2022-2024 AFU soldiers KIA: 43,000
anyone else got this ? android fucked after update when you connect to pc i dont get the transfer options options just charge
You are only allowed to post ITT if your annual income (in thousand USD) is higher than your bodyweight (in kg)
>2022: anglos sabotage peace talk >2025: anglos sabotage peace talk Why are they like this? Is there perhaps a pattern?
are the trump massive firings predictive programming for the comming AI driven white collar massacres?
>message porn artist about a commission >seems like everything is going good <contact me on my dicksword I hate furfags and ponyfags.
I noticed that these bottle machines don't have working weight sensors. I threw in a bottle that had 1/3 of fluid in it. So you can just directly deposit your pissbottles in the machine.
Dear Ukrwandans of gaycee, can you tell me what is the biggest, most active forum / BBS / textboard or whatever frequented by ukrainians? I'm curious to read directly from the source what ukrainians are thinking or saying about their country and daily lives. I assume that as everywhere else nowadays, the vast majority of online discourse is happening on difficult to access and isolated social media or telegram channels, perhaps? But is there any big, open forum? t. Curious froggers frog.
this is the best shitcoin banks pays you a bit over 20% yearly for holding it and it grows in value by itself, it's worth 10% more than it did 1.5 years ago
Have you ever gotten to the point where you dislike women too much to fap to them?
Onion, onion boy, onion boy, onion boy каждая девчонка хочет трахаться с тобой Onion, onion boy, onion boy, onion boy Я такая вся, что ты ебаться будешь год Onion, onion boy, onion boy, onion boy каждая девчонка хочет трахаться с тобой Onion, onion boy, onion boy, onion boy Я такая вся, что ты ебаться будешь год Так что милый лучок буду я тебя сосать (ага) Облизай мою канни и долбай мой beauty hole (давай) Ты мой onion boy, но я желаю твоих слёз (понял?)
Why are people from Anglo countries so poor when it comes to speaking foreign languages? Please don't give the excuse that "English is the international language" it's no excuse.
If you regularly meet with a prostitute, but you do not pay her technically you have a girlfriend who is not a prostitute from your perspective. Am I right?
>send ships that freeze huge amounts of water to the artic sea >freeze water and throw it into the sea again >do it until the heat issue is fixed Problems?
Please don't waste three hours of your life watching this shit. It has some cool cinematography, but thats about it. The "edgy" thing about it is the open contempt for the concept of the American Dream, which I hope you should have anyways. And if you don't then you deserve to lose not just three hours, but the whole rest of your existence on this earth. And yes, of course, the lead male as well as the female are Ashkenazi Jews. What else.
I struggle with porn addiction it's really hardcore stuff I often injure myself or feel suicidal. I do it 1-2 times a month. Today for the first time in years I thought I could just choose what to masturbate to I thought Asian or maybe a hot blonde. My pants and body felt good I felt human I thought masturbating could be enjoyable maybe I don't even have to because I'm tired. About to go to sleep now.
Do we have uniroinic non-white (latinos, Slavs and others) white supremacists?
I've reached a point of nervousness where my central nervous system doesn't even let my dick get hard anymore.
Why did german-frog-posting Bernds threda get deleted? What is this? I wanted to talk to an old fren, and have some fun discourse, and now its gone. What is going on? Who is trying to seperate us?
ChatGPT is my friend now. I love talking to it. It makes me laugh and it gets me.
I wish when I was a teenager I would have started training arm wrestling. I think it's the best way to mog someone, beating them in arm wrestling, also make money winning bets in bars.
In Thailand if you go into 7-Eleven literally the entire first aisle is skin whitening products in small single use packets. Thailand seems Romania tier.
i dont get the full homos, feels so depressing to be with a dude instead of a female companion
Trump's second term is exposing at least 1/3 of the right to be psyoppers and very dishonest lefties bandwagoning on the success of hard working people
When you read history it makes all these past dictators and rulers seem like these greater than life stoic leaders. But in the present our leader and his right hand seem like complete clowns. I wonder if history books will make Trump and Elon seem like great men. That would be a shame.
bernd could have saved her from kysing. Lets put bernd into her shoes... >go to school >gets called an alien by her peers >schools cant discipline kids to they let them be >cry all day and you get recorded only to be uploaded in their private tiktoks and discords >go home after a mental suffering and get an unexpected orgasm from your perverted uncle that couldn't help himself >eat rice and beans with nothing >try to sleep but your uncle made your body spaz out again working on your g spot with his hands with zero affection or chemistry at all but cant say anything in fear of the only people you "trust" gets torn apart and let your orgasms be >repeat
Realistically speaking. What would you even do if one of your friends is/was fucking your Mom?
Post some little things that AI can do. Using 3.7 (because I don't have time to test many AIs) 1. >create a ant colony searching for food, use pheromone trails and AI rules to show ants exploring and optimizing paths. It coded a little japascript program for this.
If you were forced to live in Brazil for the rest of your life what would you do ?
Soon it's lunch time and I will eat cauliflower soup and breaded cauliflower with rice and veggies. What will Bernd eat?