Give it to me straight. Is it completely over? TSD - total society death when? Watching some videos about Claude 3.7 makes me think that with this rate of AI development so many jobs will be automated. NO ONE IS SAFE. Many people think artists are in danger, but in my opinion CS people are getting fucked right up in the ass. What is the end goal of this shit? It was all fun when creating retarded memes with txt2img models, but now I'm worrying about myself. What is your take on this?
i'm so drained out of energy. can't wait for goverment to pay me for nothing as they want to do in the future. I would code some saas and run a startup. Can't do it now because of fucking work.
It is funny how you can tell a lot things regarding a person just by looking at their fans
We all agree that Romanians are brown, and they are gypsies. This is a well-established fact. But are we forgetting that Albanians are also brown? And are also gypsies? It's time to discuss the brownness of Albanians.
>at family get together >grandmother asks me if i have a girlfriend >i tell her no <oh, I guess you just haven't found the right someone to be with yet :) >no it's because I'm a repulsive person that women hate >*awkward silence* >grandma changes the subject
Apologies are a "humiliation ritual" When backed into a corner, always "double-down" If all else fails, start fighting
Say what you will about dei shit, it brought us an entire ge eration of chicks with dicks and thats kind of based when you think about it.
>see a bunch of fruit trees outside >fruits are always outside my reach What's the point? If they were at my yard I would use some contraption to reach it but that is too much work for fruits that are potentially polluted
Watching this movie. Enjoying it for very different reasons than the makers intended.
My tinnitus now sounds as if a woman is shrieking hysterically in some nearby apartment. She is doing this because she is collateral damage of my gang stalking and has developed a psychosis as a result. This morning I heard her screaming for hours and felt very sorry for her. It's not my fault.
In the USA children are considered property like animals so parents put them on leashes
>check whore prices to have some human contact during Carnaval >all local whores are brown bimbos >sort by most expensive, the top 3 are a 41yo asking 500brl/hour, a 29yo asking 300brl/30m and everything needs a condom, a 34yo built like a fridge for 350brl/hour OF and sugar daddy websites destroyed the whore market, where the fuck are zoomerettes?
Reminder that it was the question of a polish reporter that triggered this meltdown.
Will i be using preservative or it'll be raw? If shit comes in my urethra then i will contract urethral disease and we won't do sex in like two months.
>takes some retarded idea too serious >gets alienated by entire world >"crusade agaisnt barbarians" >gets destroyed
mel gibson is me the mods of this website are Captain Lieutenant William Bligh
Zelensky is so pathetic and icky. Hoes does he go on when everybody is disgusted with him being so fake, so gay, so weak and impotent of a beggar? Zelensky needs to be associated wit Pedro Pascal.
>No Epstein list thread I am disappoint
12 years old girl tries to run away from home with her boyfriend who is the old bearded guy. Mother discovers and gets hysterical. Calls the police. Funny the reaction of the antis in the video. One of them thinks he is Zidane. Antis are absolutely pathetic.
the morality concerning underage sexuality really has a straightforward answer. like all criminals, pedophiles are physically ugly.
Do you have any predictions for the rest of the year? It has been a bit of a wild ride so far.
germans fuck up once again KTM has you know it is dead the best option for KTM is getting bought by BMW and they will kill anything above 390 or not motocross/enduro WIR SCHAFFEN DAS
What if men everywhere all started cooming in public and making women watch it? We could end feminism so fast.
Il revient à ma mémoire des souvenirs familiers Je revois ma blouse noire, lorsque j'étais écolier Sur le chemin de l'école Je chantais à pleine voix Des romances sans paroles Vieilles chansons d'autrefois Douce France Cher pays de mon enfance Bercée de tendre insouciance Je t'ai gardée dans mon cœur
Any sources with no bias on colonization and history in general? It seems that leftists and other subhumans have a monopoly on history now and it's almost impossible to find anything actually accurate. Books, even YouTube or 'edgy' platform channels count.
What's to stop someone from climbing those stairs, breaking in through the window, and raping every single person inside the invaded house?
"Last first day" is a special celebration that has appeared in Argentina over the last few years. In it, female and Chad students who are about to start their last year of high-school get drunk and have lots of sex the night before the first day of school. Ugly male students are not allowed to attend. This Monday, during one such celebration, one student lost a hand. It could not be reattached by doctors.
Drinking an Ice tea peach right now because I am based like that(maybe drinking a whiskey later)
Why do USA politicians only know how to posture about morality on Sex Offenders Like why not just shoot them if you wanna be so moral? WTF is their problem
Once again, can you guarantee me or another Bernd that if we were to commit suicide it would be nothing? Nothing at all? That there's nothing waiting for us after this seemingly paltry experience?
Good morning my fellow yellow asiatic mongoloid inhabitants of the eastern part of the European continent How do you fare today?
Help! Im being opressed! Last few months the neighboor girl, which is 15 years old, started to take a taste for cooking. Some stuff started to spawn home as result, like tasty chocolate cakes, pankakes, pastas, etc. There is nothing special about this, since her mom is constantly here and my mom and her exchange stuff constantly. I also used to gift them with some stuff from time to time. Its important to note, however, that we do not have real contact, since im an adult male and she is a minor. The close we get is when we have some barbecues and invite them. Yesterday i having a good time with my mom and my father, and my mom started to nag me about finding an wife. I told her that if the neighboor girl kept cooking like this, it seens i already found a suitable partner. At that moment my mom chimped out at me. She started to say me i was a sick person and that she already seen ''stuff'' on my computer. She told me to stop with this crap and so on. All this while my father was listening to the conversation. I told her that i was kidding. No one of them asked me more details about it and quickly changed subjects. When i was alone with my mom i told her some few things; 1- I never touched anyone, i have no contact with that girl and she know that; 2- If she start to spreads rumors like these around, i will get lynched, like constantly happens with inoccent people on this country every time some shit is talked about them behind their back; 3- Im a fucking male, i like young womans, get over it. The more i think about this thing, the more ridiculous it gets. We live in a world where old womans constantly keep policing males like me from young females. What the fuck is wrong with someone with education and a decent job to want a good partner? What is their fucking goal to keep an young 15 years old girl away from me? Will they interveign when these girls start to go around and get involved with broken ass niggers who dont want to have anything with them besides sex? No. The problem it seens, is me. Im the villain here.
Balkans are preparing a world war again. Milorad Dodik (president of Republika Srpska, one of the two federal units of Bosnia and Herzegovina) has repeatedly ignored decisions of Christian Schmidt (High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, AKA wect-appointed help helper for BiH). Because of that now he has been legally sentenced by BiH court to one year in jail and six years without political activity. Dodik has supposedly invited Hungarian special police to Banja Luka (capital city of Republika Srpska) for training (he said, 300 of them). There have been protests by Bosnian Serbs. Serbia is up in the arms too, they had some security council meeting, and their president Vučić (also known as "cunt lips") has arrived to Banja Luka. Russia has expressed concerns over the harmful consequences of the ruling. Dodik has tweeted: >The arrest of Călin Georgescu in Romania and my sentence in BiH are part of the same lawfare campaign by globalists desperately claiming on to power by silencing opposition and rigging elections. @JDVance was right—democracy is under attack. Only the truth and the will of the people can stop them!
This is the monthly thread where the brown "people" of Kohl apologize for their various crimes.
I want to cum long ropes of semen inside this Jewish Womb and make God Chosen people and finally become part of winning tribe
It's currently 0 degrees Celsius in most of Canada, same temperature as in St Petersburg Russia is this a good rc car?
Seeing this nigga on tv. Oh my gawd who let him on tv? Ugly ass nigga. Balding and retarded forehead.
I wanna take you home I wanna give you children And you might be my girlfriend A-yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
This video was published on the official tiktoth channel of French president Emmanuel Macron, pls r9 and extrudate onions, nuBernds.