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I am thinking about starting a new game in either Vintage Story (autistic minecraft clone started by an Austrian IIRC) and Workers and Resources which should need no introduction, it's the best city builder ever made.
I'm undecided on which, I already own both.
for a long time i've been very frustrated with the state of the internet. everywhere i go, everything i read has the stench of retardation.
it doesnt even feel like there are people on the other side anymore, it's like im interacting with NPCs who have the same dozen preprogrammed lines that they can output at any time.
that's the case here too. i mean it when i say that i would murder in cold blood the vast majority of you if given the chance. you're biological trash that needs to be cleansed.
i remember the internet was once a beautiful and thought provoking place. and by that i dont mean 30 years ago, this was certainly the case as recently as 2021 or 2022. i havent been able to find a satisfactory theory for what happened ever since.
What if, purely hypocritically, one soldier who got transferred to a rear unit recently and got a vacation, chose not to return to his unit and just stayed living in his freshly renovated apartment treading carefully outside only early in the morning or late at night? Would it be feasible? Hypothetically of course.
This guy probably had no internet presence whatsoever. No images of his face, no mentions of his name. A ghost online. And now? His name is going to show up forever, with pictures of his face and mentions of his online history. Along with videos of his house and family and details of his living situation. Publicized to the masses and impossible to remove.
This is something from my nightmares and I experience severe paranoia at times thinking that I could get exposed and humiliated like this.
I found this post on Reddit. A substitute teacher, from Sweden, wrote about how technology is negatively impacting the youth and their ability to perform in school. Here's the original post:
Rough translation:
> I have worked as a substitute teacher for over a year in middle schools and high schools. I am extremely concerned and in some cases shocked over how big of a difference there is compared to my own school years. I'm born in the mid 90s so I'm fully integrated into the digital world. The difference is I didn't have a smart phone or any social medias until I was in upper secondary school.> * Students today (especially boys) have an awfully hard time concentrating. Many students (including those without a diagnosis) can't even do the simplest of tasks without being directly instructed by the teacher. If a math task takes more than 15 seconds, they need to take a phone break after 7 seconds (not an exaggeration). I've had high school students that can't handle reading 1/3 of an A4 paper with instructions, and these are students without a learning disorder.> * It's not unusual to have students that are completely disconnected from social life. I've had several students with autism (in multiple schools) that are allowed to sit with their laptops and headphones during class. And during recess. And during briefings, basically the entire day. These students are so fragile that they can't handle the social pressure of sitting in a classroom without a screen in front of them. Yes, autistic students have always existed - but back in the day there was no digital world to escape to. I have no idea how these students will be able to handle an adult life.> * Nowadays there are truants in basically every other class. Normal male (usually) students that simply can't handle the pressure of school and instead live their digital lives at home.> I'm not an expert in this field and don't have a relevant degree. But something is very wrong here. The only solution I can think of is some kind of nuclear strike approach:> * Ban smartphones in all schools (translation note: he's specially referring "grundskola", there isn't a good translation for the word that I know of, but basically he means until you're 15-16)> * Remove student laptops/Chromebooks. Have computer labs instead (students in 8th and 9th grade can have laptops)> * Remove all games/social media that exist on wifi (there are dozens of blocklists online)> Needed to get this off my chest, something is extremely wrong with the current system.
Additional comment from OP:
> Many high school students can barely write complete sentences in Swedish without rough grammatical errors and English loan words. Internet usage has without a doubt negatively impacted Swedish proficiency among students.
Other users in the comment section also paint a dire situation:
> Us 90s kids played Counter-Strike all day on our personal computers in upper secondary school and we still managed because we understood it was just a game/not reality.> Nowadays it feels totally hopeless when they are so connected to the digital world that they forget reality exists. I have a cousin that is almost 18 that doesn't have any diagnosis but has spent every day for the past 5 years at home. She blames this on her being "depressed" (despite the fact that doctors have said that she isn't, it's just an excuse that works). Her parents won't do anything about it because she gets mad if she doesn't get to sit in front of the computer 20 hours a day, and she hasn't even begun attending upper secondary school.
> owns seaports> owns airports> owns bridges> owns a subway line and bus terminals> owns plenty of commercial property> has its own police force
Isn't that too much for a company that manages seaports?
Total posts: 2,
files: 0 (Drowned at Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:36:47 GMT)
it's possible via many means. although this wouldn't apply in romania, a group of peers could complain to management that you smell and are making the work environment bad for them. 1. embarrassing 2. threatens work security because it would be a fabrication.
neither of these points apply in romania obviously, as everyone stinks because of the lack of running water.
even though jews have cancelled him Ye is still popular among normal everyday non-kike people
people are starting to stop caring about the label "antisemite"
and normal people are starting to become fans of Hitler and no longer considering him the most evil person in the history of humanity
Total posts: 0,
files: 0 (Drowned at Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:28:37 GMT)
Unions are the main economic engine of the democratic party and thus states with democratic governments have a large incentive to support unions via government and vice versa, states with republican governments have an incentive to suppress them.
This synergizes with the republican ideal of creating jobs/economic growth compared to the democratic ideal of high wages and heavy regulation.
American corporations have spent the better part of a century destroying unions, even to this day. Look at the working conditions for the average American versus average Australian. What does that tell you?
Yep, everyone benefits from unions.
>>25639013>It wasn't supposed to be heard? It's poetry, not prose.
Yes, you're not supposed to read it, that's why it's been written down and printed for two and a half millenia.