I've had some talkenings on the topic with a bri'ish rose and a grille from the netherlands, and I have gathered that in parts around there bakers do everything. This was over animal crossing on the ds, mind you.
In hungry, and I think it's common all over austro-hungry, and the frenchies, and the balkans, and maybe t*rkey, and slavlands, these are two separate occupations. Bakers do bread, and simpler pastries, savory and sweet. Cukrász do cakes, and they do savory stuff only on the side, when they wanna expand into some coffee shop experience. A cukrászda usually have ice cream too, on summers, while there are separate ice cream shops too.
And there are shops that only do strudel.
Pies are usually done by bakers, but may show up in a cukrászda sometimes.