This is how you deal with banderites.
>The moment of the liquidation of Nazi Demyan Ganul in Odessa was captured on surveillance cameras. The footage shows the moment when the killer approached to make a "control" shot
I think NPCs hate ornate yet objectively beautiful things because their herding instinct overrides their innate sense of beauty. Ornament is not in fashion, it contradicts slave morality, submissive minimalism is the style of our times.
Those who love and radiate beauty are afflicted with jealousy. The anger and jealousy of the masses is feared by the current decadent and worthless ruling class. Among them it became a sign of good manners not to be too bold and to be ashamed of one's wealth in a certain way. But that didn't resolve the status game.
The equally decadent lower classes have noticed that a reserved lifestyle is now a value among the upper classes. And because these hypnotic masses think that what the upper class considers good must be high status and also good. So minimalism gained high status.
Thus, classical high-status behavior (which was characterized by boldness and the expression of beauty) became a mark of lower-class behavior, behavior that does not conform to modern customs. The worship of ugliness and minimalism became high-class behavior. And in this way the Herdenmensch stood against beauty in the name of fashion.
Now that the dust has settled. How many people speak Ukrainian in Ukraine and where? I found these two maps but I assume both are radical and incorrect?
Having crazy female friends it's great, just finished sodomizing her asshole, my dick feels sore after all that punishment inflicted in her tight asshole.
Life it's great once you leave the retarded Benrd ways of thinking and living.
Nothing like cumming inside a girl that it's in pain and uncontrollable ecstasy at the same time.
That's all, life it's great and worth living once you figure out you're going to die and your time in this world it's limited and the best resource you own.
so australia will be buying 3 virginia class attack submarines and then will be using a new class of nuclear attack submarine designed by the UK
chinks are butthurt
australians also spent a decade and billions getting fucked over by the french with lead acid diesel submarines before this
There is nothing more cringe and pathetic than some socially retarded creep loser trying to "improve" himself, as if there were anything to improve or anything to gain from that improvement. I honestly feel sorry for any sucker who buys into this self-improvement bullshit. It's not my fault you're a defective genetic dead-end, but it should at least be your responsibility to ensure that you remain a dead-end.
Total posts: 55,
files: 7 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 11:37:25 GMT)
The law stops working in a war scenario for one second and ure laying in front of your bitch beaten to death thinking in hell "i guess i shouldve gone to the gym"
Speaking without any value judgement: If you manage to make yourself not a genetic dead-end, you also remove the reason for you being a genetic dead-end. So either way is fine.
With value judgement: Who is or isn't a genetic dead-end is really fucked up these days, almost completely wrong.
>>25609216>"Oh, great, yes, yes, I have time for you, please come, please!">
Lindsy Floyd, 40, who wrote Mangione a letter while he was locked up in Pennsylvania, said she planned on continuing to send him letters at least once a month during his trials in the Big Apple because “he deserves dignity and humanity.”
>>25609196>>never show the D
Men who like to see penises are homosexual.
>>never released porn
I don't want to marry a pornstar. I don't want my girlfriend to be involved in that kind of activity.
>>charges to see a bunch of butt and tit pics
The sucker is the one who pays.
Why are Brazilian girls so fucking hot, Bernds?
We have a term for Brazilian women: "gostosa" and a term for Euro women "sem sal" (no salt) because Euro women lack that hotness, that spiceness that our women have. Recently, American women are learning from Latin women how to be hotter and they're succeeding at it. Lots of white girls with big bunda shaking their asses there. It's beautiful.
My heartrate jumped in speed against to 90-100ish after drinking too much yesterday, I haven't gone to bed since
My heart hurts too so I don't think I'll be drinking again for a long while
Total posts: 0,
files: 0 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:46:36 GMT)
So I have these two teenage boy coworkers. One has openly expressed that he wants to have sex with our other coworkers. The other one seems shy but if you know anything about being a teenage boy having been one he definitely wants to fuck the girls there.
This one girl she always talks to him and is his friend but when she walks in she'll ignore him and he seems like her by it so I'm assuming he's just like masturbating to her talking to her while she ignores her. All the girls have boyfriends or are talking to multiple dudes from what I've overheard.
Basically what would you guys say to your teen self? I'm sure we've all been in that position where the girl is your friend and you think about having sex with her but you know all these girls pretty much have a boyfriend or are talking to other guys.
And you know how women are how they dress and how they talk they've basically LEAD these two guys on intentionally or not. What do I tell them to encourage them to get pussy instead of being hung up on some bratty bitches?
You know a guy like me I'm a sociopath and I'm a bit older but a young kid you know kind of hurts his feelings and gets micro raped kek.
I guess I wouldn't care but they both are like pretty good normies they're like Republicans the one kid the shy one reads books a lot which I like. The more confident one joined the coast guard and I've been telling him what it's like to go through basic. Decent kids why should they suffer at moshi's feminist globohomo hand?
Total posts: 2,
files: 0 (Drowned at Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:46:36 GMT)
I can't go full incel because that would make no sense. How do i say "you're probably jacking off to her just ask her out with no heart them move on if she says no you're tall and white and handsome amd smart there has to be one just ONE girl at your school or here or somewhere that would fuck you"
I just hate beta energy i want to say SOMETHING man
Dude, when i was a teenager i was a mixture of arrogant, self conceited prick with someone too shy to using a fucking phone to make a call for a stranger. If i would say anything to my younger self would be "chill out, motherfucker, you are not what you think you are and people are not the garbage you think they are, they are not judging you all the time. Chill out."
My sister told me she knows one in Wroclaw, but it's the gayest city in Poland. In my town even lesbians got assaulted on the street for holding hands so it would not end well for him
>I know
From everyday life? From media? What a misleading title!.. But yeah, I know about at least 3 in my neighborhood, shameful, and the USAID fueled media and government is forcing that disease for some time, so there are "famous" troons singers and actors, so one could say that "know" one of those.