>Back in the day there was krautchan who was the leading German imageboard and brought ebin memes like Polandball and Wojak to this world. After years of wacky hijinks, the mods had enough and closed it down. Some replacement chans emerged, but kohlchan became the most popular. However, the mods are openly pro nazi and pro pedophilia, so it became more and more shit. Now some Russian opened a new krautchan for Bernds who miss the old community and serious discussions without nazishit and pedoposting. Kohlpedos are now angry about it.
Tue, 18 Mar 2025 00:56:12 GMT
No. 25662819
original kc brought wojak to life?
Tue, 18 Mar 2025 00:57:33 GMT
No. 25662824
>History. The meme first appeared on the Polish imageboard Vichan with the name ciepłatwarz.jpg (warmface.jpg). The earliest archived appearance was posted on 16 December 2009 on the meme sharing website Sad and Useless
Tue, 18 Mar 2025 01:50:25 GMT
No. 25663027
no, it was a meme from vichan, the polish imageboard at the time. polandball was also not original to kc, it was a ripoff of flagheads which was from yli