Do people drink coffee in your country? If so, how much?
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:01:51 GMT
No. 25661203
No, coffee is for boomers
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:02:53 GMT
No. 25661210
I've almost entirely stopped drinking coffee. My sleep has dramatically improved in quality.
The half-life of caffeine is 5 hours. So after 15 hours of being awake, which is about the time you're getting ready for bed, you still have 25% of the caffeine consumed if you drank it at the very start of your day.
Would any normal person drink a quarter of a cup of coffee just before bed? If no, then you shouldn't drink a normal cup even immediately after waking up.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:03:20 GMT
No. 25661213
Whoops shit maths.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:09:45 GMT
No. 25661272
No, coffee is nigger seed water for nigger loving jew slaves. I drink mysterious eastern magical shrub leaf water instead, that fortifies my health instead of eroding it like nigger seed water probably does
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:47:18 GMT
No. 25661643
Fuck coffee. It tastes like shit and looks like shit and has too much caffeine. Tea is much superior.