>- Single-mother families are disproportionately represented in poverty statistics. A significant percentage of children in single-mother households live in poverty.
Yes, poverty was had.
> - Children in single-parent families are more likely to drop out of high school compared to those with married parents. This is potentially linked to factors like fewer economic resources, social instability, and parental challenges.
I finished school, but dropped out of university after 8 years.
> - Children in single-parent families are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems.
I literally am an early retiree due to psychological problems.
>- Adolescents in single-mother families may experience higher rates of depressive symptoms and disorders compared to those in two-parent families.
I am prone to depressions and am in one right now.
> - Single mothers themselves experience higher rates of psychological distress than married mothers.
My mother was mentally ill.
> - Teenagers of divorced parents are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like early sexual activity and suicidal ideation.
No, sex ever ever.
Recurring suicidal thoughts since I was eleven.
> - Single mothers may be more likely to engage in psychologically controlling or rejecting parenting behaviors, which can negatively impact adolescent mental health.
Yes, my bi-polar mother strongly abused me emotionally and severly impacted my sense of self-respect.
> - A significant percentage of homeless and runaway children come from single-parent homes.
My little brother was homeless and junkie for some time.
> - Children from fatherless homes are more likely to use drugs or alcohol.
I have a problematic relation with cannabis.
> - Children from single-parent families are at substantially greater risk of drug involvement than children of dual-parent families
I am smoking cannabis since I am 14.
> - Children growing up in lone-parent households are at significantly greater risk of committing suicide, having a psychiatric illness, or suffering from a drug-related disease.
See above.
Kill all single mothers, at least when they have sons.
They will grow up healthier with male relatives.