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Was Bernd borned to a single mother? Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:21:05 GMT No. 25660071 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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This is the depressingly long list of facts and statistics associated with the children of single mothers: - Single-mother families are disproportionately represented in poverty statistics. A significant percentage of children in single-mother households live in poverty.  - Children in single-parent families are more likely to drop out of high school compared to those with married parents. This is potentially linked to factors like fewer economic resources, social instability, and parental challenges.  - Children in single-parent families are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems.  - Adolescents in single-mother families may experience higher rates of depressive symptoms and disorders compared to those in two-parent families.  - Single mothers themselves experience higher rates of psychological distress than married mothers.  - Teenagers of divorced parents are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like early sexual activity and suicidal ideation.  - Single mothers may be more likely to engage in psychologically controlling or rejecting parenting behaviors, which can negatively impact adolescent mental health.  - A significant percentage of homeless and runaway children come from single-parent homes.  - Children from fatherless homes are more likely to use drugs or alcohol.  - Children from single-parent families are at substantially greater risk of drug involvement than children of dual-parent families - Children growing up in lone-parent households are at significantly greater risk of committing suicide, having a psychiatric illness, or suffering from a drug-related disease. Remember: women destroy lives and it is morally correct to hate them.
Total posts: 36, files: 2 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:24:32 GMT No. 25660088
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:26:46 GMT No. 25660104 >>25660108 >>25660152 >>25660196
You understand most of the time it is the man that leaves the woman to fend for herself, right? Oh, youre that white incel who fucks chinks as a coping mechanism. Yeah, white women are the source of all evil, man, forget what I said.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:27:34 GMT No. 25660108
>>25660104 I'd happily trick a roastie into birthing me a child then dump her and leave her without the kid, or dog, but that's only legal for women.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:29:18 GMT No. 25660128
Most single mothers are niggers.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:30:57 GMT No. 25660145
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>>25660071 >- Single-mother families are disproportionately represented in poverty statistics. A significant percentage of children in single-mother households live in poverty. Yes, poverty was had. > - Children in single-parent families are more likely to drop out of high school compared to those with married parents. This is potentially linked to factors like fewer economic resources, social instability, and parental challenges. I finished school, but dropped out of university after 8 years. > - Children in single-parent families are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems. I literally am an early retiree due to psychological problems. >- Adolescents in single-mother families may experience higher rates of depressive symptoms and disorders compared to those in two-parent families. I am prone to depressions and am in one right now. > - Single mothers themselves experience higher rates of psychological distress than married mothers. My mother was mentally ill. > - Teenagers of divorced parents are more likely to engage in risky behaviors like early sexual activity and suicidal ideation. No, sex ever ever. Recurring suicidal thoughts since I was eleven. > - Single mothers may be more likely to engage in psychologically controlling or rejecting parenting behaviors, which can negatively impact adolescent mental health. Yes, my bi-polar mother strongly abused me emotionally and severly impacted my sense of self-respect. > - A significant percentage of homeless and runaway children come from single-parent homes. My little brother was homeless and junkie for some time. > - Children from fatherless homes are more likely to use drugs or alcohol. I have a problematic relation with cannabis. > - Children from single-parent families are at substantially greater risk of drug involvement than children of dual-parent families I am smoking cannabis since I am 14. > - Children growing up in lone-parent households are at significantly greater risk of committing suicide, having a psychiatric illness, or suffering from a drug-related disease. See above. Kill all single mothers, at least when they have sons. They will grow up healthier with male relatives.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:31:25 GMT No. 25660152
>>25660104 >You understand most of the time it is the man that leaves the woman to fend for herself, right? Not true on the first world.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:32:21 GMT No. 25660159 >>25660165 >>25660166
Imagine being raised by a single mom Bernds really are bydlo
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:33:09 GMT No. 25660165
>>25660159 My parents didn't raise me, they forgot I existed once I started going to school. If you were raised by single mom, you can't complain.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:33:10 GMT No. 25660166 >>25660170 >>25660197
>>25660159 How would you feel if you hadn't eaten any breakfast?
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:33:32 GMT No. 25660170 >>25660175
>>25660166 I'd feel like a kid again.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:34:00 GMT No. 25660175 >>25660185
>>25660170 You had to starve as a child?
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:35:45 GMT No. 25660185 >>25660188
>>25660175 No, I was told to make something myself so I just went to school because not my job.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:36:28 GMT No. 25660188 >>25660194
>>25660185 Why didn't you learn to fix your breakfast yourself?
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:36:54 GMT No. 25660194
>>25660188 Same reason why I'm almost 30 and never had a job. My parents deserve to suffer.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:37:02 GMT No. 25660196
>>25660104 Women should choose better partners.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:37:07 GMT No. 25660197
>>25660166 white goo would come out of my peepee
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:37:24 GMT No. 25660201 >>25660229
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Are widows single mothers?
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:42:13 GMT No. 25660229
>>25660201 They have an adequate excuse. There are always exceptions. If a woman is a whore, gets knocked up by Chad and ends up a single parent, she deserves loathing and hatred. If a woman gets knocked up by a loser who cant support her kids, she deserves loathing and hatred. If a woman decides she dont need no man and decides to have a kod alone, she deserves loathing and hatred.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:45:03 GMT No. 25660247
No. But my parents absolutely fucking hated each other (they both deserve hate, they're both terrible people) and the walls were quite thin, so that fucked me up from a young age. I would have much rather they got divorced earlier, even if I ended up with my mom.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:55:54 GMT No. 25660311
No. But she wasnt a good mother and when my Dad and her divorced in 2002 I moved to Florida with my Dad. My Dad was pretty bad at being a father too but it worked out.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:05:05 GMT No. 25660370
No, my parents divorced when I was 20 and out of the house
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:19:24 GMT No. 25660451 >>25660471 >>25660494
>>25660071 Growing up poor and with a sinlge mother really opens your eyes tho. It makes you see how fake society really is. It's the reason I have absolutely no regrets about breaking the law or something. I can just do what I want and don't give a shit, while normies constantly have to follow social rules, chase affirmation from other, etc. I just do what I want.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:22:47 GMT No. 25660471 >>25660482
>>25660451 This is not a requirement and I am more enlightened than you.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:24:14 GMT No. 25660482 >>25660491
>>25660471 You are just a low inhibition tard though. Most you did was petty crime.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:24:57 GMT No. 25660491 >>25660500
>>25660482 you're a dumb monkey who hallucinated audrius again
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:25:42 GMT No. 25660494 >>25660514
>>25660451 >- Children in single-parent families are at increased risk for emotional and behavioral problems. Yep.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:26:32 GMT No. 25660500 >>25660506
>>25660491 Every Lithuanian is bydlo just like Audrius
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:27:03 GMT No. 25660506
>>25660500 I didn't commit any petty crimes, I have grand plans and need to appear a good goy to finalize them.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:27:48 GMT No. 25660514 >>25660525
>>25660494 For society you are a schizo if you don't play by the rules. I am a healthy person who just understood that society is sick.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:29:29 GMT No. 25660525 >>25660544 >>25660611 >>25660618
>>25660514 Thats what every fucked up child behavioral problems thinks. "Im a free-spirited non comformist who sees through society's lies. Everyone else is a sheep, etc.etc."
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:32:21 GMT No. 25660544
>>25660525 I am not saying that everyone else is a sheep, I just realized that the world is full of niggers. People are mostly either stupid and/or aggressive. Society dislikes intelligence, because intelligence makes people uncomfortable. That's just how the world works. Might makes right. When you realize this, then you also become free spirited.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:42:01 GMT No. 25660604
Even though what's being said in the OP might be true, the conclusions that people draw from these circumstances usually are retarded. Usually people that bring these things forward want to promote overly inhibited morals that did not even exist in the middle ages. Nobody wants to lice in a society where calvinist and/or puritan morals are the norm. We had that, and everybody was glad when this shit was over. Overall, it's pretty muchcertain, that the morals people come up with will turn out to be bullshit, because it's actually a pretty hard problem to create guidelines for how people have to behave that will not have unwanted sideeffects or create circumstances that are worse than the problem these guidelines were meant to address. The solution to the problems that are caused by single parentshit, as well as many other things, is obviously to increase childhood mortality so that the weak, sickly and dysfunctional children die while they are still young. The incentives that lead to lots of single mothers can be corrected by disbanding any and all welfare, so that people again have to pay for the upbringing of their own children. And for the accidents, where healthy mothers get healthy children, but can't afford them, I suggest making children into a good that can be traded, so that these mothers can sell their child to the highest bidder, which presumably will have the will as well as the resources to raise it properly. Puritanian morals are just cancer and aren't worth it.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:43:02 GMT No. 25660611
>>25660525 yes, I have to think, life is hell, I literally broke matrix, my punishment is having to think hard about everything, imagine having to think about every breath not to die, when it could be automatic
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:44:18 GMT No. 25660618
>>25660525 Are you a chinese? If so, you should be aware, that there may be racial differences between asians and whites, that make the asians much more conformist, and whites much more creative than the other group. The point is, that chinese people might need different circumstances to be happy and fulfill their potential than people from the US.
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 19:49:10 GMT No. 25660647 >>25660921
So they become low-inhib cool dudes doing the behaviors that girls like? Wow that must be really horrible, can't imagine how tough that is
Bernd Mon, 17 Mar 2025 20:24:48 GMT No. 25660921
>>25660647 I became an introverted shut-in, because all my mother ever taught me was watching tv. When you are forced to live in shitskin areas you don't really like going outside.
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