Just had a dream that introduced me to novel ideas about hacking. I was in this suspension bridge with a hacker on the way to a mission, and the way he hacked the bridge consisted of changing the reality within the bridge to an alternate reality where the world was still in 2007, and he even changed the weather and overall colors of everything nearby and the way he hacked was that everyone on the bridge besides me and him were completely oblivious to the hacking and just continued walking as if nothing changed.
There was also another part where I was heading into a shopping mall because we were chasing a guy with important information who had to die, as we were chasing the guy, one of my buddies would hack the place around where he caught the guy and put him into the ground to make everyone outside of that little bubble completely oblivious to what happened, the heart-wrenching part of the whole event was that his family was with him and we HAD to strangle him to death with his family watching crying their tears out and I felt so emotionally impacted by the event I grabbed one of the kids and told him "you must do everything in your power to survive in this world, that's the only way it works, if you want to protect your loved ones, guide your life through that thought" and it was an extremely emotionally powerful scene.
One thing I didn't mention during all this is that the entire time I was in the dream, I was bursting in real life with the need to pee, so there were many scenarios within the dream that I desperately screamed at one of my allies to guide me to the nearest bathroom around so I could pee, but the events of the mission would always interspose with my need to pee.
Also the first parts of the dream were nothing about hacking, I was in school and the female teacher was calling out on me specifically when correcting everyone's language tests and I lashed out and got ganged up on verbally by everyone on the classroom which made me burst out of the room in brutal embarrassment, as I was leaving the school building I bought illegal guns from a local criminal and an old lady watching me from afar with binoculars who I later confronted turned out to be thinking I was into gimp sex and the things I were buying had to do with it, then after that a whole Naruto plot ensued in another world/location and THEN I cut to the hacking dream part.
Also, in typical dream fashion, I had moments where it completely switched into a porn scenario, where I would go into this bathroom with my female teammate and it was actually quite insane. So the story consists of me asking the female to hack the walls to the nearest bathroom so I can go pee the quickest, as I enter the bathroom, the entrance looks nothing like a bathroom with a movie teather clerk on a certain section looking like he was waiting for the tickets of everyone passing by, there were many types of bathrooms each divided by fetishes and as I entered the one I wanted, my female partner showed up as an older mommy dommy type of fetish there to watch me peeing now with my penis swollen up to almost twice of its original size, the whole atmosphere of the original dream being changed.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:10:09 GMT
No. 25659124
In a dream a girl called me ugly, in other dream I was rejected by an another girl. Fuck my piece of shit incel life.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:10:37 GMT
No. 25659130
dreams are wonderful
last night I dreamed I was at a school in america in the flyover states and there was a real life simpsons episode except instead of the cartoon characters it was the voice actors
the plot was that homer had taken a gun to the school and was on a rampage and the rest of the simpsons cast had to stop him
it was pretty sick
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:11:45 GMT
No. 25659137
I had a dream 2 or 3 nights ago that I walked to the shops on the other side of town but it was a really cheap and shitty shops like think of how the cinemas used to look in the 90s or like blockbuster before it shut down
anyways, the cashier was a cute girl but i tried to explain to her how using electricity we can time travel and she looked at me like i was a freak so i told her im wasting my time on her and she apologised and called me cute
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:12:46 GMT
No. 25659144
I'm a total loser even by Bernd standards, I can't even have nice dreams.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:13:21 GMT
No. 25659149
What didn't you understand? It's a futuristic cyberpunk world where almost everything around has cybernetics, so people who have near-perfect knowledge about hacking can literally manipulate reality as they wish.
The idea is that the density of eletronics is so heavy that you can alter an enclosed reality so well
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:14:18 GMT
No. 25659155
Your own brain is cucking you bro
you need to Chadify your thoughts
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:14:58 GMT
No. 25659157
Or maybe my dreams are messages from the future and show me how I'm going to get rejected.