>That's a humblebrag,
it isn't, it's clearly visible
5 years ago he used to dominate, he would play players from top 5 or top 10 like he was playing with kids, bored and not paying attention, and still win and then go on stream to humiliate some less known GMs and call them weak asses
nowadays he does not dominate so much, look at the last blitz and rapid championship
he did badly in rapid
and in blitz he almost lost to Hans (who is not even top 10), and he was visibly shaken after his last game with him, and then he was winning the chapmionship match with Nepo only to start losing, and then came up with the co-champion thing, which a lot of people say is because he was anxious he would lose, and end up with no title
>he's the best of all time.
well he said that the best player of all time is him from several years ago
you can also seems to be less arrogant nowadays (still arrogant, but less), like he lost the confidence he can dominate everyone else