Go to an orgy at your local gay fetish bar tonight. Get the cream sauce. Get high as fuck on poppers and get fucked in the ass at 1 o’clock in the afternoon as soon as you wake up. Go to a neo-Nazi rally. Listen to Nick Fuentes and then fuck him. Order a male escort from Craigslist. Eat an oystery bowl of cum. Have an orgasm in another man's anus. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand what's even going on because you're so fucked up from the booze and the coke and the poppers, but get spit-roasted by other men anyway. Get sodomized slowly. Sodomize your server. Check in on your friends (oh wait, I don't have any). Check in on yourself (I hate my life). Enjoy buttfucking male escorts from Craigslist.
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 07:00:50 GMT
No. 25657276
when you go to the Outback Steakhouse 🇦🇺 (No Rules, Just Right) when Bruce offers to give you a “Bloomin Onion” in the “outback”, do not do it. make sure you do not end up in a room alone with Bruce
Mon, 17 Mar 2025 07:57:15 GMT
No. 25657403
But there's a lot of Outback Steakhouses, which one specifically should I avoid?