Couldn't sit down at work. Had to be standing up, on a ladder, on a lift.
Stimulants during first break: usually 8:30
first break usually apple sauce, yogurt, biscuits, banana
2nd break, packed cold lunch, leftovers from parents. usually ate in car, hard 40 minutes. Break started at 11:00, ended at 11:40
Cleanup around starting 14:00, charge lifts. Leave jobsite 14:15, 15 minute Leeway to get back to our cars
Got home, usually feet swollen
Changed shirt
Had a stimulant before 90 minute drive home
every job I worked for that contractor was severely underbid. every foreman I worked under got sacked. had the tools, materials (generally). crew was good. problem was undermanning of jobs. could be 20 drywallers and 5 electricians (we install pipe inside the drywalls)
10 unpaid days off a week
Usual wardrobe:
undershirt t-shirt
long sleeve shirt
work vest
hard cat
working pants (wranglers from Walmart, Duluth with knee pad inserts)
tape measure pouch, etc tool pouches