I really wish I'd taken getting married more seriously when I was younger. I tried some romantic endeavors in my late teens and early 20s, was somewhat successful but mostly unsuccessful. Overall, I had opportunities to pursue romantic relationships and didn't take that side of life seriously because I coped that I'd find a wife once I'm financially stable and prosperous.
I see now that it was all a cope to stay weak and hide from women. I'm turning 30 this year, own a house, make enough money to support a stay-at-home wife and send 3 kids to private school. My mom lives with me in this house (she's always been a leech and always will be) out here in the suburbs, and I'm scared that this is what the rest of my life will look like. I work from home, and I hate this area. I want to leave the country.
My body is a mess. It's skinnyfat to the extreme. No muscle, significant fat (with big tits), on the lower end of "normal" BMI. I could go to the gym but why bother? I work really hard for long hours, and now I have to ask myself at the end of the day "why bother?". Right now, all I'm doing is supporting my mother to live her boring and self-destructive life. I'd rather be supporting a sexy woman who loves me to raise my children. Or saving up so we can go on a nice vacation together and have sex and stuff in exotic locations.
I hate everything.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:49:04 GMT
No. 25654497
I'm getting myself in shape so my neet ass can hopefully snag the best womb I can, I have no answers.
I just missed the work-long-hours trap because I saw my dad do it.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:54:24 GMT
No. 25654532
I was with my wife for 11 years until I left her. I couldn't stand being with her anymore. Had tons of great pussy after her and fathered two kids. Would do it all over again.