Sames feels, I have ans bed from a garbage dump etc. It has ans hole and stains on it but I went to IKEA to buy a mattress cover which makes it look real. If I move to another country I will throw into the communal trash bin in pieces. Old tenants will hate me but I have no choice because I'm too afraid to drive car.
Fugg the mattress is actually £895 because it's a double king
And I'll need a new bedframe for it too
£200 to move, at least £100 for a frame
should I pull out, berndbros?
Yeah I was gonna say this, fold it up with ratchet straps and strap it into the back of your 1999 Puegeot 306 or whatever with the hatch open.
No I'm moving 60 miles away
It's heavy as FUCK
lol it's a foam mattress that arrives in a tube...
just buy a cheaper one and have it delivered to your home. it'll be the same shit as others made for different brands
Yeah but I would then have paid a lot of money for a shittier mattress. I'm using this one, it's great and I can't pay £900 for a mattress myself
then it's settled, worth it in my book. unless you know someone with a big van to bargain
you could also try to find someone via facebook
In fact this only is here because the landlord used to live here himself before, you wouldn't buy it for a pleb tenant, and now he's selling the place and he doesn't want to deal with selling shit off facebook marketplace or whatever