Why is KC no longer interested in soyence?
NASA is a waste of taxpayer money and wildly inffecient. Trillions of dollars and they can't land on the moon and some african nigger has to do it instead? Cut it.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:14:21 GMT
No. 25650005
yeah, let's just let China completely control space
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:15:42 GMT
No. 25650012
It's the invisible hand of the free market. And because China is communist, all their space stations and rockets are fake and they will collapse soon.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:19:06 GMT
No. 25650024
The moon is useless, the first moon trip was a military expedition to study the possibility of using the moon as a base for nuclear weapons and it was deemed to be a stupid idea. Buzz Aldrin tells the whole story in his autobiography.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 04:54:40 GMT
No. 25650106
it's important to flex on weaker countries
also a mass driver on the moon could terrorize planet earth if it was used to launch rocks and stuff at extreme velocities
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:19:13 GMT
No. 25650163
fuck air and space.
i want to bring back steamships and trains
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:31:38 GMT
No. 25650194
i want to bring back airships
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:32:38 GMT
No. 25650198
>NASA is a waste of taxpayer money and wildly inffecient.
this is as offensive to me as a nigger raping a toddler to cure himself of aids
you should kill yourself
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:42:32 GMT
No. 25650234
Buzz and most all of the men who actually went to the moon are Freemasons. The details were watched over by Kenneth Kleinknecht, a 33rd Degree whose brother Fred served as Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction for almost twenty years.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:44:56 GMT
No. 25650245
It's not interesting because rockets are a dead-end technology for space exploration. Sure we can use them to put up satellites and such but that is basically the extent of their usefulness.
Puttering around at fractions of the speed of light is useless. We either need to find some sort of FTL drive or we never explore past our own solar system.
Given that humans are a relatively young species, and there is no evidence of other space exploring life, I'm going to guess FLT/Wormhole is impossible and humanity will never go beyond its own yard.
And before you start on about "prime directive" or "dark forest" theories I'd like to simply point out Occam's razor and that the simplest theory is that it's impossible.
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:50:42 GMT
No. 25650260
I go explore outer space all the time. It's fun.