Trump is a Zionist from before birth. His father Fred Trump built Brighton Beach for Russian emigres that were mostly Lubavitchers, and the Donald has followed in his footsteps. He also apprenticed to Roy Cohn, an anti-Communist Jew that worked in Sen. Joe McCarthy's 'Red Scare' campaign, and thereafter for Republicans, like the Reagan and Bush administrations.
Before he died of AIDS in 1986 he confessed to pimping little boys to powerful politicians in order to blackmail them. After his death, the Donald took up with, ahem, Jeffery Epstein until they fell out, and later Epstein was Epsteined while in the custody of the government during Trump's first presidency.
Also during that first term, the Donald got the Weiner laptop with the 'insurance' files regarding HRC and other Dems, the NXIVM child trafficking files, and, of course, Epstein's files.
If blackmail was an Olympic sport, the Donald would probably be world champion.