Have you ever watched Viking (2016)? Wish I could find more movies similar to this. It was very good.
(this is what I use)
Do you play games a lot or are you stuck on a handful of games? I get trapped sometimes it's more about habbit than actual enjoyment. It's just easy to sit and play something familiar.
I think that if you're a genuine gamer you try all kinds of game and are into new stuff while also digging up old stuff.
I've been meaning to buy vr but not sure
I was thinking it needed some zest too. I considered pineapple maybe. Warmed.
I feel like america has much more pizza options. The average American eats pizza once i week. I haven't had one in two years thinking about pepperoni on one side and something else on the other
I played the previous "Ashes" games, not this one. Ashes Afterglow is very good, basically kind of open world Post-Apocalypt rpg game made in Doom engine with choices and optional side quests and stuff