>Then one day he gets the courage to outside and talk to them... it takes a while, but soon he is out there everyday and has 10 new friends.
Realistically speaking, where is the average 25+, hell even 30+ adult loser retard going to find a friend or GF? You're not supposed to dip in work anymore (even though most people met their spouses that way before the Internet). Hobbies require money and motivation, neither of which the average subhuman inferior niggerslave male is going to have. Churches are fucking dead. Online dating, just fucking LOL. Go outside and talk to random people? Most people have their cliques or are on their phones, and are automatically going to reject you for being a subhuman fucking niggerslave creep freak because they don't want to be burdened with being a practice friend for some socially stunted adult retard subhuman nigger retard. Anyways, would you be the type to help a dude like this out if you met him IRL or would you be the kind to tell him to kill himself and fuck off?
>That's ridiculous. Coward is as coward does.
You misunderstand my point. There is no salvation for these people. There was never any hope, and certainly isn't now, because they aren't human, they never were. In history there were always the "men" who were slaughtered in war or died through famine and disease, and the world was objectively better, and this was fair and just in the end. It's far better just to rid ourselves of them so that the world can be made a better place without literal adult nonhuman retard subhuman niggercattle slave faggots like OP.
>Or, he can make small moves in the direction of having courage, like every single person on Earth has done who has ever succeeded at anything.
Again, there is nothing to be done and never has been. Courage is wasted on these types.