> Do they even export them except for youtube reviewers who never meant to drive them on public roads?
Switzerland is quite friendly with parallel imports or unofficial imports due to monopolisation of the official import channels. So for example (ignore the prices, I just picked a bigger dealer):
https://azw.ch/de/angebote (filter by electric and sort by price) you will see Maxxus, MG, but it changes a lot, seen other brands too in the past or China-only models of European brands. Or for example, I have a SsangYong (not EV, worst Korean) dealer nearby.
In the high price sector, Genesis (Hyundai) has a lot of showrooms in the city centers or at pop-up stores, like Infinity used to do.
Tesla itself offers or offered cheap leasing here too, but the private leasing companies are charging more or not offering at all, due to decreasing future value.