Such a small and weak country with no friends that shouldn't be respected at all tbh, why are we dillydallying with them my fellow Americans? We should just take Greenland and get this over with. Fuck these faggots.
Look at this faggot sitting on the shoreline, what a stupid little faggot, he thinks international law applies to him even tho my country is the enforcer of this law
Those were Angles, Saxons and Jutes not Danes, who came from the Scandinavian hinterland. Yes they're related but they aren't the same thing.
Everyone lost against them they live in fucking mountains retard
Anyway this won't be an insurmountable task like Afghanistan, they have no defensible areas it's just a flat landscape tundra as far as the eye can see
I'm not getting into the history of Afghanistan, I don't care, it is however a difficult area to conquer historically speaking and this I will admit to some extent
also you to soft and weak
sandniggers blow up a patrol car
you level the nearest village with ac130 gunship
they will pick it up in no time.
Viggen had a real Volvo engine I would like to see your shit country produce anything else as worthy of killing an American with, we'll do it again if these cocksucker Americans get too cocky
I love living in Sweden and being able to back up my harsh words against both Americans and Russians with actual engineering prowess, it would be sad if I lived in some other shit country like Germany instead and couldn't write this
Denmark, historically, always sought for protection from the strongest dude around. Most of the times it was England, sometimes it was France, at times it was Germany.
I wonder to which sole this piece if perfidious shit will stuck now. China?
>>25648894>Most of the times it was England, sometimes it was France, at times it was Germany.
there were times when Denmark was protected by Russian empire