I'm watching that video now, dude is south african but living in germnay and at that rio carnival he's drowning in pussy.
You've not posted your favorite video, shamfur disrpray
Brazilian protestantism is growing and they want to ban Carnival. I think they are highly based, in a few years such scenes won't be seen anymore.
I honestly think it is all a sign for me to abandon cucktholicism.
Brazil is about 10 years prior to something like an Iranian Revolution.
>born too late to explore the new world and make sexy time with cute native macacas>born too early to explore space and make sexy time with cute aliums>born just in time to be scorned by white entitled feminist harpys
Those evangelicals are US funded, hopefully DOGE eliminates them. They support mass breeding of subhumans. Seriously, the most ugly brown creaturas are always these protestant evangelicals in Brasil. And they have family sizes like in Africa. Brasil needs an eugenics and euthanasia program.
Subhuman is as subhuman does I say
If they are working and taking care of their families they are better than blonde and blue eyed KC posters fapping to traps
oh yeah? I'm at #5
Impregatening them here as prostitutes sending them home (+tip) and then have my little mulatto / mulatta children running around.
Beat that, buddyboy
If you are middle class and have a work is quite possible not to see much of them.
Even if you ride public transport to work there is extremely little sandniggers there at working hours , if you ride in the day you might be the only white
Russians have been burning down catholic churches in russia since Ukraine invasion.
Arresting christians too.
Its a unholy piss and shit state run by satanists that turned their orthodog church into a sect of oligarchy
>>25649316>10 people were just waiting for the moment he gives them an excuse to smash his face into floor
That's nice. You know that kind of the people though (no matter what color they are), once they start running their mouth it's always gonna end like this.
There was a sweden bernd posting a youtuber that was in Salvador.
Thieves stole his shit and even broke the knee of someone that was with him.
I feel bad for the guy for believing monkeys won't harm him. But thats what you get for farming monkey views on your youtube channel. I'm sure it wasn't for lack of warnings.
It is a youtuber, not a pop/movie star or any kind of "important" people.
I'm not sure if it is the same guy that was being posted here tho.
>>25647185>they want to ban Carnival
never happening.
First gringo, maybe.
Her mouth is full of semen of at least 5 pardos and niggers
I think they "can't" leave their favelas cause some member of a rival group could kill them. But it is just a guessing, i'm not sure what i'm talking about.