In America we have a large shortage of housing so developers buy land in the cities and plan to build nice housing on it.
But leftists in the cities actually block the construction of new apartments because they're "not affordable enough". Therefore the shortage of housing gets worse and the cost of housing goes up even more.
Pic related is a massive development in a sparse areas of New York City, slated to have thousands of apartments and public green spaces. But the leftist city councilor of Queens killed it because it only had 25% affordable housing and she demanded 45%.
Basically leftists demand the building have so many public giveaways that it can't be profitable so the building never gets built. They're scared of "gentrification" so they actively work to make their neighborhoods shittier.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:16:38 GMT
No. 25644938
It's dumb. Supply and demand very much applies in the rental market. My area has a construction boom recently, and after a 40% spike in rents before and during the pandemic, rents are back down to 2017 levels (nominal). Landlords are desperate, and that's a good thing.
Yet city nigger leftists still cling to obviously nonsensical ideas like "affordable housing requirements" and rent control. Up until the 90s, all developers had to do was provide public space as part of their projects. That worked for everyone.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:19:07 GMT
No. 25644960
IMO America should do 101st kilometer and relocate niggers to small towns 101km from major cities
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:28:36 GMT
No. 25645037
these renders look very nice.
medium-rise buildings, greenery and architecture that does not put pressure on the psyche are what modern cities need.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:29:36 GMT
No. 25645047
True. Niggers are cheap to hire, whether as protestors or as city leaders.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:34:39 GMT
No. 25645098
You didn't have to make it political.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:41:43 GMT
No. 25645166
Agreed. But I will say there are a ton of suburban conservative boomers who also pretend supply and demand doesn't apply to housing.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:00:44 GMT
No. 25645330
I'm actually amazed at how leftists themselves are the ones killing walkable cities and transit.
If you want funding for transit, you need to let people build nice apartments in the city so you have net tax contributors funding infrastructure.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:03:21 GMT
No. 25645353
Not even they want walking around niggers.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:11:03 GMT
No. 25645412
Walkable cities aren't sustainable.
Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:24:20 GMT
No. 25645502
Cities aren't sustainable, no farmer needs meds