i actually have lived innawoods, both before and after the advent of the internet and cell phones. I was born while JFK was still President. I lived off the land as a youth, where I was raised on a wilderness island in SE Alaska.
After I escaped Alaska I resorted to living innawoods several times, car camping for ultimate ease rather than fashioning shelters as I'd learned during my childhood. However, after the internet was available, I always sought out camp sites that had cell phone access, used my phone as a hot spot and had access to the internet by that means.
I am probably more addicted to the internet, as are most Gen X, because we have lived without it and know how important and valuable it is to be able to communicate globally, as KC enables us to do. I love the fact that instead of having to go to immense, hushed libraries, use the Dewey Decimal system to look up papers, articles, and books, I can just type a phrase into Yandex and gain access to research papers from almost every professional scientific journal there is. I probably have tabs open to ~50 peer reviewed papers ATM. I am a voracious autodidact, despise academia, and cannot tolerate conforming to it's ghey oppressive office politics. I have proven to be uneducable by institutional methods, but because I can read the papers online I have worked as a professional scientist for a US state agency - although I found that same ghey, oppressive, office political structure infested state scientific agencies even worse, so I didn't last long.
I have been self-enjoyed for decades since 9/11 and raised my sons on a compound innawoods, teaching them math pulling tape measures and practical knowledge by working on construction jobs as labor since they were ~10. Worked great.
Anyway, if you don't map out cell access and just go camping with a case of canned goods you can avoid the internet easily. There's a couple weeks of feeling like the last man on Earth as the silence envelopes you every day, but then you come to terms with it and you can hear yourself think. I recommend it. Do it before you succumb to the ubiquitous access to the internet Starlink avails.