And Putin? Most people's heads explode when they realize both Putin and Zelensky are Lubavitchers, and the whole Ukrainian slaughter is just Jews profitably eliminating White Christians.
It's just money laundering with a sweet, sweet topping of White genocide, for the Jews that rule the West and the world through sexual blackmail that Chabad Lubavitch run. This is the actual reality of Trump and Putin being joined at the hip, but the truth is that controlled opposition is the fundamental strategy of divide and conquer, so Zelensky and the EU are also. Poor sheeple can't contain this reality in their feeble brains, so desperately virtue signal in a vain attempt to deny the factual reality they're nothing but useful idiots to their Jewish overlords that will grind them underfoot the moment their utility is over.
Stupid sheeple are nothing but cannon fodder, and the vast herds of them are profitably milked for cash by deceivers running the same scams for millennia. From time to time these genocidal scams become intolerable, and a spasm of vengeance evicts the Name Stealers from whatever polity they've over-abused, until the cryptojews that managed to successfully pretend to be Catholics, or Protestants, or Muslims derange the polities and let the back in, again, then the cycle of abuse repeats.
It's about to peak in the UK again, obv. Should be a great show of slaughter and vengeance against the cryptojuden royals that are being revealed as brutal child murdering pedos and soceity destroying traitors that have imported hordes of bioweapons in the form of Muslim niggers that will have to be eradicated for YT to survive, or will eradicate YT and then plunge the UK into the black hole of barbarism the entire MENA reveals is what comes of Muslim society.
Either the UK becomes the next Libya complete with open air slave markets, or it repeats the example of the Reconquista of Spain in 1492, which seems unlikely from the global extent of the derangement ongoing, most likely causing the global Reconquista that will finally leave nowhere for traitors to humanity itself to hide.
After so many demonstrations that Name Stealers are simply too psychopathic to succeed, it's pretty obvious that sooner or later they'll fail so spectacularly they'll just get eradicated. We pretend that such can't happen in the modern enlightened world, but the reality is that prehistory, whether we realize it or not, shows that complete destruction of civilization is actually a serial cycle humanity has survived more than a dozen times.
AMH are >300k years old, and this has all happened before. The cultures and societies it happened to are completely eradicated, some to the point we have no knowledge they ever existed, even recent global civilizations as were extant only ~15kya. This despite proof of their global technological advancement in S. America, Egypt, the Levant, India, and E. Asia during the LGM, in the form of megalithic construction that provably required advanced technology to create. It's actually so obvious upon examination it's hard to believe so many swallow the BS that gangs of cavemen with pointy sticks made the vast complexes in Puma Punku, Giza, and Gobekli Tepe. It's actually a good joge. Very laff.