It is not, austrians are very unfriendly and passive agressive especialky if you don’t speak german. But not all Austrians like that. Also I only kissed her. We are not in a relationship yet. I will see in the morning how it goes.
But I want to highlight it, unlike anericans Austrians are unfriendly. The girl I kissed I baited with singing with her and shiwing my passion, that is how it worked.
Moreover she was drunk.
I am also tall.
Need to check next day how it goes. Maybe kiss is all I got from her.
I will sleep now. Just wanted to share with bernd my experience.
Btw, getting drunk actually works. I had to drink long beach and more than four heavy shots to get drunk. When I am more drunk I am:
More confident
Less grumpy
More friendly
People like me more
Anyway, I go sleep now.