Who is your favourite villain from film and television?
And, less importantly, what fictional villain from literature would you like to see a film about?
I don't watch television.
For the last 12 years I only drank 24/7.
I used to re-watch leaving las vegas very often and that's all.
I don't even remember big events like who won world cup football, etc.
Oh dear. England won everything, as per usual.
Any evidence to the contrary is fake news, do you understand? Everyone lies about English success because they are extremely jealous.
I remember 2021 it was in England - Italy
Do you know why I remember it? Because I didn't remebmer it.
I got drunk and dotn remember who won and had to ask people next day.
I was drinking at a pub and i ordered 1 glass of cider there and drank my own from a plastic bottle but it was fine.
Shut the fuck up spic
I like when the villain is the protagonist. Fuck heroes and their tranny goals, I'd wished more people like Pablo Escobar existed.
I like stories like that too except when it's due to a gradual or sudden plot twist. The main character is found to really not be doing good things at all.
So the viewer thinks they're watching the hero at the start but by the end they've actually been following the story of the villain.