OMG Jameson is only 17euro at the Spar atm(normally 26 euro) What is this?
I think I am in heaven. Also I have 3 Jamesons beanies now.
Disabled can't stop winning!
What happened? Why so mad today? I always told you to become disabled but you wouldn't listen.(Maybe disabled money not so good in Lithuania but I am sure its better than current status)
yeah thats i wanna rob Germans.
Go there, speak a little bit, pretend i almost dont speak english, get disabiliti, flat. Rent out the flat to some lithuanians and go back to Netherlands
More than 1000euro. But I don't have to pay rent or food or something.
If I lived on my own and not on my mom I think it would be almost 2000 euro(including rent)
They gave me antipsychotics which made me permanently disabled (and I never needed antipsychotics) destroying my dopamine receptors giving me parkinsonism.
The last thing that broke the camels hair(thats how the saying goes?) was making me an illegal person(even though I am austrian genetic and by citizenship) and wanting me to put in prison for not being vaccinated. Then I decided this soyciety actively tries to fuck with me etc.
You ask to reduce antipsychotic dosage, and you can also cut in half, if you drink you can avoid withdrawals, sleep with alcohol, or get benzos.
This SOYCIETY hates me, to the point they wanted to imprison me just for existing , so its only the right thing to extract as a much money as I can get.
It was never about being anti-vaccine, but there was no state that had universal vaxx law besides here. When they decided making me an illegal person,worse than refuckers, I stopped caring,
I was shitposting back then anyway and sitting in my dorm doing almost nothing. Actually it was boring shit time since I had kinda shitty job and slept like 3 hours a day because of my retarded schedule. I also remember how I was hoarding for food.
I am not mad at the people who do not remember or didn't know better, though if someone trying to gaslight me "it wasnt like this/is was necessary to make mandatory vaxxine law" I do get a bit mad I must say.
You repeatedly post pictures of you drinking Gösser Märzen beer. I have memories of Märzen beers tasting overly malty and very little hoppy, provoking the gag reflex. Is my memory wrong and/or Gösser better?
t. considering destroying again this weekend