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Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:45:29 GMT No. 25633155 [Kohl] [Report thread]
random shitholes in RU and PL.png
1.56 MB, 1818x1803
Why is it so different?
Total posts: 52, files: 18 (Thread is alive)
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:47:04 GMT No. 25633163 >>25633175
german money
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:47:27 GMT No. 25633166
Poland doesn't have spare tires
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:47:52 GMT No. 25633168
slavs cannot into drains
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:49:45 GMT No. 25633175 >>25633222
>>25633163 >r*ssia supplies gas to Germany <Germany gives money to Poland why are r*ssians always so insufferably retarded?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:50:38 GMT No. 25633177
Slavs can't into road paving
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:54:13 GMT No. 25633195 >>25633214
4.99 MB, 2532x1163
Why Latvian commieblock looks like this?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:54:24 GMT No. 25633196 >>25633216
Winter vs summer?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:57:04 GMT No. 25633214 >>25633230
>>25633195 not a commieblock
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:57:29 GMT No. 25633216
>>25633196 this may be it
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:58:23 GMT No. 25633222 >>25633227
>>25633175 russians were selling gas for really cheap
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 00:59:15 GMT No. 25633227
>>25633222 >why are r*ssians always so insufferably retarded?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:00:29 GMT No. 25633230 >>25633236
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>>25633214 just renovated
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:00:52 GMT No. 25633234
one is cozy and based. another is crony and filled with nigger kikes.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:01:01 GMT No. 25633236 >>25633247
>>25633230 looks very cozy
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:01:39 GMT No. 25633240 SÄGE!
How many threads like this with that picture do you want to create? We get it, Polska is so much better than Russia. Except it's not.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:03:15 GMT No. 25633247 >>25633250 >>25633281
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>>25633236 yeah soul removed.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:03:50 GMT No. 25633250 >>25633273 >>25633281
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Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:08:40 GMT No. 25633273
49.17 kB, 241x180
>>25633250 >Jūrmala Good memories. I bought overpriced ear plugs in a pharmacy there)
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:10:29 GMT No. 25633281
>>25633247 >>25633250 dude that's completely new building
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:15:15 GMT No. 25633296 >>25633298 >>25633312
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The buildings from the screenshot in Poland are managed by 'housing association' called 'społdzielnia mieszkaniowa'. The owners of those apartments pay a lot of money for the upkeep. Likely all of the buildings in the neighbourhood belong to one single HA. Therefore the HA is not only managing the buildings, but even cleaning the streets. Wheareas in Russia, afaik, every flat is more autonomous, like in Polish 'wspólnota mieszkaniowa'. And even when the owners agree on something, they certainly won't agree on anything with other neighbourhood commieblocks. So nobody is in charge of cleaning in front of commieblock, but thanks to that the rent is also much cheaper.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:16:11 GMT No. 25633298
>>25633296 its called HOA
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:18:01 GMT No. 25633302 SÄGE! >>25633312 >>25633315 >>25633326 >>25633356
Lomza: - population - 59.4 thousands - area - 32.6 sq.km - budget - $162M i.e. $83.6 per person per square kilometer Novomoskovsk: - population - 117.2 thousands - area - 92.8 sq.km - budget - $58M i.e. $5.3 per person per square kilometer WOW!!! HOW COULD IT BE THAT SPENDING 16 TIMES MORE MONEY BRINGS BETTER RESULTS??!!! Polish are total retards and subhumans - they can't even think. At all. Not mentioning, that this retarded Polish nigger, picked the worst time of the year on Russian picture VS the best time of the year on Polish picture - as if Russians are responsible for seasons on Earth.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:21:44 GMT No. 25633312 >>25633325 >>25633373
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>>25633302 I don't agree with your stats. I think the money used to paint those buildings in Łomża, and picking the trash and cleaning sidewalks and taking care of plants is part of rent paid by the people who live in those buildings. I talked more about this here: >>25633296
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:22:22 GMT No. 25633315 SÄGE!
>>25633155 Hey, subhuman, prove you can think, respond to this:>>25633302 Can you, retard? Of course not. You're so fucking retarded - it's unreal. Well, answer at least, retarded nigger, why did you picked not just a photo of poor people but picked a photo of the worst circumstances, while for the richer group you picked photo when the circumstances are the best? Poor are poor and worse no matter what. But did why you intentionally go out of your way to make the poor look even worse on purpose? Looks like you're so retarded that you can't even hide than the only reason you make such threads is to attack Russians. Again, why? Why do you have to compare Poland to Russia? Does it mean that Poland is such a shithole that it can't stand any comparison to any good country?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:24:51 GMT No. 25633325 SÄGE! >>25633372
>>25633312 It's official numbers. You're quite stupid if you really think that spending 16 TIMES LESS makes no difference. Listen, idiot, try to cut your own expenses down to 1/16th of the current level, and try to live for a year that way. I bet you will look like a hobo by the end of the experiment.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:25:07 GMT No. 25633326 >>25633351
>>25633302 > russia is 16 times poorer than Poland lel
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:30:17 GMT No. 25633351
>>25633326 this lol
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:31:38 GMT No. 25633356 >>25633381 >>25633386
>>25633302 First of all. Polaks and Balts have privatized buildings, so people pay themselves to renovate commie blocks. Not government, like in Russia where pidors live in shit and piss just waiting for government to give them gibs.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:35:31 GMT No. 25633372
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>>25633325 Sir, according to the statement provided by the Łomża homeowner assosiation, they are in charge of the sidewalks, grass and trash!!! The city budget does not pay for that!!!
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:35:48 GMT No. 25633373 SÄGE!
>>25633312 >I think the money used to paint those buildings in Łomża Let's assume that true. Then you need so much money as that in Lomza to paint as many walls as there are in Lomza. OK. Here's a problem for you. If painting walls of a house cost $1000 and repairing the porch of the house cost $1000 and paving the driveway to the house cost $1000 and planting and caring for the lawn in front of the house cost $1000 and paving the part of the road in front of that house cost $1000 - how much money is needed to keep the house up to the standards? The answer, clearly is $5000. Now, how much money do you need for 2 houses? $10,000 Now is the question: If your budget is only $1000 is it possible to keep up to the standards 2 houses? See, you're stupid. Even if the administration of that Russian city and that Polish city would be equally honest and caring, it would still be IMPOSSIBLE to keep that Russian city up to the standards. Your remark about "That's because Polish council are all angels and saints and there is no corruption in Poland, unlike in the rest of the world in among all humans (which alone proves you're extremely stupid)" is retarded. You can do NOTHING to keep things nice if you have no money to keep them nice.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:38:14 GMT No. 25633381 >>25633390 >>25633416 >>25633424
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>>25633356 Fun example, in my small city there are two 9 floor commie blocks. Russian ethnic migrants from labour camps were imported to build them both, first one that was built was given to those laborers to be permanent migrants here to spread soviet multiculturalism. Second one was sold to Latvians who worked for them. Lets see now the two buildings today. One where Latvians live and Other where Russians live
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:39:41 GMT No. 25633386 SÄGE! >>25633403
>>25633356 The same logic still applies: you have money to buy things - you buy them; you don't have money - you can't buy them. What does your remark change? Are you an idiot?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:40:21 GMT No. 25633390 >>25633413 >>25633423
Bez tytułu.png
98.13 kB, 65x700
>>25633381 what the hell is that??
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:44:02 GMT No. 25633403
>>25633386 Russians will have same money, will spend it on consumer shit like coats, shoes and cars. they will never spend it on something that betters their surrounding. While they will not even clean up the stairway or will just straight up go and piss in their own commie block corridors because why hold it in till you make it to your apartment. Non-Russians will go together, and decide to Renovate, Insulate and make house better and since they do it together its like 30 Euros a month payment extra for maintenance. These houses are prime example of cultural differences. Also i talked about a guy i know from school one day about the renovation and he said do to insulation they pay 4 times smaller heating bills now. So in the end they spent some money on renovation loan but have to pay overall a lot less than before or the russoids in house next to it that has no insulation.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:45:30 GMT No. 25633413
>>25633390 Just some wood planks with some basic rockwool inbetween. the panel houses had just wide holes there between windows but i think there is a inside wall to divide space into bedroom so it makes no sense to put extra window there if wall will go into it.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:45:55 GMT No. 25633416 SÄGE! >>25633430
>>25633381 Again, what is the income difference, retard? You're discriminating against Russians. They can't get good jobs. They have much harder time to get any promotion. And they are paid much less on average. On top of that Latvians constantly threaten to kill or deport all Russians - very little incentive to invests into real estate: any moment Latvians may steal it from Russians solely on the basis of ethnic discrimination. But you're so fucking stupid that you believe that if you had 2 times less money and lived in constant fear of getting deported then you would still invest as much money into Latvian property as much richer Latvians. Retard, Russians don't even see that habitat as their property, because Latvia loves to steal property for no legal reason.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:47:05 GMT No. 25633423
1.01 MB, 640x360
>>25633390 >Bez tutulu
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:47:06 GMT No. 25633424 >>25633433
>>25633381 Do inhabitants of Russian commieblock pay more in utilities or less? Both seem to have similar ways of parking their cars though.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:49:06 GMT No. 25633430 >>25633478
>>25633416 Totally wrong, the Russians in 70s and 80s who got transported here got promoted and prioritized by communist government into jobs and would get paid more. a lot of them became soldatniks being paid more than an engineer Latvian. Nowdays there is absolutely zero discrimination in Latvia. if anything Russians have privileges because a lot of workplaces asked for Russian language knowledge that Latvians under age of 35 don't have. and russians get hired even if less competent do to that.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 01:50:23 GMT No. 25633433 >>25633509
>>25633424 You pay for utilities depending on how much heat you consume to heat your house. Both homes have same identical tariff, but the renovated insulated one consumes 5 times less energy to keep apartments at 22C' when its outside -10C' so they pay 5 times less in the end.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 02:11:03 GMT No. 25633478 SÄGE! >>25633707
>>25633430 Hey, in your pictures it's clear that one building was PLASTERED. And it was done not even 30 years ago. Are you so retarded that you're insist that in Soviet Union those buildings were already plastered by Latvian owners? What an idiot! Hey, retard, to claim yourself a supreme human, you must first prove you're even human. Let's check it. All humans can use logic. Now, here's a question to you: can you compare different things under different circumstances and claim that the results are the same as if the circumstances were the same? Like if you compare liquid A at temperature of 1000C and it's boiling while liquid B isn't boiling at temperature of 500C - does it mean that liquid A has lower boiling point than liquid B? You clearly unable to answer. As it's the same question as comparing results of people in different circumstances and claiming that the shown results are applicable to the case when the circumstances are equal. So, I just proved that let alone you being a super human, you aren't even a human - you can't use your brain in a way any human being can.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 02:20:22 GMT No. 25633509 SÄGE!
>>25633433 Rich always pay much less for the same kinds of services and products as they invest in quality and invest more money. Poor can't simply afford it. But you're still too stupid to understand such simple and primitive things. Also, tell me, why Latvia steals cars from Russians? And if Latvians are so prone to theft - you steal cars, you steal money from bank accounts, you steal cash, you steal purchased products, you steal property, you steal everything - why would Russians from who you always steal everything make any long-term investments? Really, retard, when you will be robbed every day by retarded niggers like Latvians, would you invest anything into something that should last and stay in your possession for 20 years to justify the investments, when Latvian niggers may steal it from you tomorrow? Do you know that ability to put you into another person's shoes develop in humans by age of 3-5 years old. But you, Latvian subhuman, clearly can't do the same even at age of 30.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 03:25:26 GMT No. 25633691
>>25633155 One is spring (rasputitsa in your country too), and the other is summer, for one thing.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 03:30:17 GMT No. 25633707 >>25633736
>>25633478 Are you low iq? Both built at same tine. Latvians fixed theirs in last 5 years, now they live in nice one Russians live with shit stalagmites coz they only want gibs
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 03:43:02 GMT No. 25633736
>>25633707 Also those are sandwich panels. 350mm glass whool encased by metal on both sides
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:12:39 GMT No. 25634204 >>25634206 >>25634213 >>25634223 >>25634231
3.19 MB, 4032x3024
Guess the country
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:13:53 GMT No. 25634206
>>25634204 Dumbfuckania.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:16:36 GMT No. 25634213
>>25634204 what are those protrusions on the roof? if it is motor room for the elevator why does it have windows?
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:21:05 GMT No. 25634223
>>25634204 squid games country
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:25:48 GMT No. 25634231 >>25634235
>>25634204 S Korea
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:26:09 GMT No. 25634235 >>25634239
>>25634231 Thanks Captain Obvious.
Bernd Fri, 14 Mar 2025 06:27:07 GMT No. 25634239
>>25634235 He asked. >Dumbfuckania ... indeed.
Thread interest score: 6.4 Thread size: 249.43 kB