there is not a doubt in any corner of the world that America was the aggressor in the war with Japan. the story began when the free people of Pearl Harbor held a referendum on board a Japanese submarine submerged in the water 30 miles off coast of Pearl Harbor where they clearly expressed their will to become part of the Japanese empire. after that a squadron of military planes belonging to unknown country became lost en route to training grounds where they were to have live fire excercise. in order to save fuel to make it back home they dropped the bombs and torpedoes they were carrying, unfortunately they were overflying the bay of Pearl Harbor at that moment, unbeknownst to them, which was at the time illegally occupied by the American armed forces in stark opposition to the will of the Peal Harbor people expressed in a legitimate referendum. after this minor accident happened, the militarist government of the USA used it to illegally attack the Empire of Japan without in a coward surprise act without the declaration of war. that is how the American aggression towards the Empire of Japan started