>mass Third World migration
Why do you (and Balts) accept this by the way? You saw full well the mess that this poison did in Western Europe, had fair warning, had the chance to avoid it, and STILL went headlong into it. At least we have an excuse, there was no example to look at to see what the effects would be, there was no internet to counteract propaganda, and we lived in a high trust society where we accepted the arguments made by our elites without question.
This is one reason why I dislike Eastern Europe a lot. I used to sit here for hours back in the early 10s telling Poles and Estonians and Czechs that what had befallen us would happen to them, and they casually dismissed it. Irritating, and as a result, I have no pity. Hungarians at least tried to avert this fate, even if it looks now that their attempt will end next election.