Often started noticing in socials a lot of complimentary comments from Poles about Russians (not the government) and negative comments about Ukrainians.
Polebros what kind of 5d chess is this?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:59:00 GMT
No. 25628245
Russians are white, Ukrainians are brown
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:41:11 GMT
No. 25628750
Polish people took in more Ukrainians than anyone. Its their version of nigger fatigue.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:44:49 GMT
No. 25628766
obvious bots/shills
always use the exact same talking points
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:51:57 GMT
No. 25628796
We consider russians niggers and have zigger fatigue for few centuries now. but this statement would cause nuclear meltdown for a retard zigger lover like you.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:53:11 GMT
No. 25628800
Its funny how you rabidly attack me for being a Russian lover even though I never said the first positive thing about Russians.
You're witch hunting and its silly.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:55:42 GMT
No. 25628814
it is already apparent when some burger make claim about the things he has no idea about. what do you even know about hohols in poland? read some comments by karachan incel edgelords?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:03:21 GMT
No. 25628835
Teh Kermlin flooded even foreign internets with bots, so it could be them. But I heard even from non-bot Poles that they're slightly tired of Ukrainian immigrants and refugees. It seems like they don't know Muslim migrants, if Poles met with ones, they'd grant every Ukrainian citizenship.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:03:32 GMT
No. 25628838
>Its readily apparent
In your demented mind it is, just like normal schizos say its readily apparent that God is talking to them through the tv.
And stop with the retarded nonsense that nobody can know anything unless they experience it firsthand. Its a ridiculous fallacy and a stupid argument.
You seem emotionally disturbed.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:06:30 GMT
No. 25628851
Maybe because Ukrainians are entitled niggers, more nigger behaving than Russians themselves, more corrupt and criminal, with women whoring themselves out more, with men more likely to do something criminal and/or shady, all in all more greedy than any other Slavic people, and it's visible so especially in Poland where are tons of them.
Maybe because Polish people see caravans of sports cars going into Ukraine now, lambos, maserattis. Maybe because the first person to obtain latest Rolls-Royce was a deputy of Kiev administration.
Maybe because Ukrainians have gatherings in Poland where they use symbolics and sing songs of literally the same actors that massacred Poles in what is now Western Ukraine in 1930ies, and that for some reason has to be tolerated.
Maybe because every Ukrainian is a holy person infallible in anything he does and not possibly subject to any criticism since the war started and it only exacerbates all of the problems above.
Dunno. There are many reasons to not like Ukrainians.
I could as well remind you of the % of non-citizens among Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians in Latvia proper, however I don't think such facts fall in well with what is politically correct to remember now :^)
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:11:13 GMT
No. 25628873
You're talking to a Balt, forget looking for sanity and normal emotions.
They are fearful and, as a consequence, hateful to such an extent that common sense literally abandons them.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:12:53 GMT
No. 25628880
Could be Russian bots but people are kinda not that good feeling about Ukrainians in the Wect
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:14:17 GMT
No. 25628884
In this case I suppose the stereotype fits to a tee. I won't hold my breath for rationality, thanks.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:15:09 GMT
No. 25628891
>with women whoring themselves
But that's a good quality if you're a wectoid, isn't it? Only Ukrainians could butthurt about the whoring of their grills.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:23:24 GMT
No. 25628927
and you didn't aswer how did you acquired knowledge about hohols in poland. Because of course you know nothing and make stupid claims.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:29:17 GMT
No. 25628953
Dumb zigger thread. Reality is taht most hohols in eastern europe do low paid work and it is clearly visible in every economic metric, espiacially in poland. But the worst is yet to come as hohol will leave, greedy faggots in eastern europe will start importing indians and other shitskins just to maintain their profits.
I would take 200k hohols in exchange of 200k resident russians. double that even.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:29:19 GMT
No. 25628954
Ye true, but bruh russians succumb to the neocommie propaganda of the state, which is a red flag for all countries that have felt the ussr
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:29:39 GMT
No. 25628956
It's simple. Poles respect us for being ourselves, and having a straight stance on things, even if they may not agree with it.
And Poles have first-hand experience with cockholes, both historically and now often personal. Anything we say about them they know to be true, even if it's no politically correct to admit.
Refuggers aren't known to be nice people.
Especially entitled cockholes with deep resentiment and victim complex. It just gets tired really fast and you start to get annoyed at the niggers.
You may not like my opinion or believe in it, but it's the direct answer. Once politicial pressure to virtue signal is gone, average Pole has little love for average cockhole, and then being second-class cholops isn't endearing them to anyone. Simple.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:31:41 GMT
No. 25628962
delusonal. almost every pole still blames russians for taking away their eastern territories from them.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:32:57 GMT
No. 25628968
Hohols are arrogant Turkic mestizos who are engaged in nomadism all over the world. They do not want to work, they are engaged in fraud, theft, drug trafficking, etc. We can say that these are the new gypsies.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:34:36 GMT
No. 25628977
So you're going to double down on the fallacious argument?
My only experience outside of the internet with directly hearing in person Polish complaining of Ukrainians is my friend who is a professor of mathetmatics on the Poland. He's got an extra apartment he and his wife lent to a Ukrainian woman and her kids. Of course they trashed the apartment and I hear endlessly about how horrible she and her brat children are to him and his wife, who are extremely kind people. He now bitches about almost all Ukrainians he comes across, even though he still donates personally and bought several supply truckloads to send over the border for humanitarian relief.
Most of what I see comes from the internet, but my friend visits here several times a year and tells me about it. If someone that dedicated to the cause still manages to hate Ukrainians after being relatively neutral for all his years prior, you know they must be cunts.
Obviously most of my information comes from talking to Poles or Germans or whoever on the internet. Truthfully though you'd not be happy even if I told you I lived in Poland from birth You'll find some reason I'm a Russian shill no matter what I say or do because you have Russia Derangement Syndrome.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:35:44 GMT
No. 25628981
But of course, Poles are also equally imperialist, even if failed ones. But that has nothing to do with cockholes themselves, they have a lot of historical grudges on personal level.
And believe me, I would gladly give them Galicia and Volyn back, Ukraine and Russia would only benefit from Poles forcing the subhumans there in line.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:36:44 GMT
No. 25628985
Go back to your containerthread, braindead shill
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:38:09 GMT
No. 25628992
It's not the Gypsies' fault that they were kicked out of India either, but what can we do?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:38:35 GMT
No. 25628994
>I will gladly give them what I don't have
what about half of belarus and kaliningrad
anegdotical evidence. completely unbelievable due to amout of hyperboles used.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:40:49 GMT
No. 25629002
Maybe shartmasters told them so.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:40:59 GMT
No. 25629004
>what about half of belarus and kaliningrad
That's ours. And we have no problems there. Last I've heard, they don't either.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:47:41 GMT
No. 25629041
You dumb nigger everything you hear about the war is anecdotal because you're not on the front line.
None of us have to cut our hands off with an axe to know its possible. Or maybe you're the kind of moron who wakes up every day to place his hand on a hot stove to verify it burns. Even you don't follow your own logic because it's stupidity on the terminal level.
Not only are you delusional, you're an actual idiot.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:48:08 GMT
No. 25629043
>Poles are also equally imperialist
Why didn't they start teh SMO in wectern Ukraine yet?
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:49:16 GMT
No. 25629047
> because you're not on the front line.
Yet he is far closer to it than you, DeShawn
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:51:08 GMT
No. 25629061
lol what a comical bunch of retards. Do you hear your own logic? Because he is geographically closer to the war, anecdotal evidence received from the same reporting is somehow more powerful? You're a complete fuckwit. You don't even think about the things you type.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:53:01 GMT
No. 25629069
> professor of mathetmatics on the Poland.
that means his opinion is worth more than 1000 poles
> they trashed the apartment and I hear endlessly about how horrible she and her brat children are to him and his wife, who are extremely kind people
literal incarnation of satan or hitler
>he still donates personally and bought several supply truckloads to send over the border for humanitarian relief.
richest man in poland incarnation of jesus christ
And the way you talk like a fucking nigger and use MIGA buzzwords (e.g. derangement syndrome) I doubt you know a single person outside of internet trolls yet alone some polish intellegentia
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:55:30 GMT
No. 25629085
>strawman, strawman, strawman
You're not thinking at all. I'm pretty sure you aren't capable.
Fuck it. Good luck in life. You must be incredibly lucky as is, because you've managed to survive this long without any ability to think.
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 15:25:03 GMT
No. 25629558
They can't, politically.
Pypa wouldn't start it either if he had a choice after all.