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Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:44:32 GMT No. 25618022 [Kohl] [Report thread]
unlovable incel chud.jpg
47.40 kB, 682x603
Life as a Bernd is a nightmare hellscape of pure suffering. The only options available, once you become wise to how things work, are to suffer as one among many slave niggercattle and get some hateful bitch who sleeps with 30 other men while ostensibly married to you (doesn't apply because of your innate inferiority jfl) or to remain alone forever as a self-hating retard empty void unlovable hermit chud who never gains anything from life because life will only shit all over you for being a non-human entity who was cursed to be such from birth. This is why eugenics is important btw, so that Bernd-tires can be removed from the gene pool and not infest the world with their misery. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Total posts: 9, files: 1 (Drowned at Wed, 12 Mar 2025 18:43:51 GMT)
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:48:02 GMT No. 25618054 >>25618071
Just don't leave ur house retard
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:49:37 GMT No. 25618071 >>25618082
Even better are the retard slave niggercow self-improving homofaggots who tell you "Just work out bro" "Just be yourself bro" "Just do x and you'll magically become a real life full human boy with real feelings and real soul" as if that will ever change the real you fucking lmao. The average berndnigger will ALWAYS be a subhuman niggercow fit only for the slaughter and there is nothing that can ever be done to change that. The only option that remains is to SUFFER being miserable forever and ever. >>25618054 I want to make "people" like you SUFFER as much as I have. I want to watch the light in your eyes go out as you slowly, painfully die. I'd drink that slow death like it was the finest wine. I hate hate hate hate despise with contempt every last one of you slave niggercattle. YOU made me this way, because you allowed me to exist and refused to do the honorable thing in extermination.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:51:00 GMT No. 25618082 >>25618127
>>25618071 im a Bernd incel myself, retard
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:52:20 GMT No. 25618093 >>25618127
Just don't kill yourself.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:56:16 GMT No. 25618126
I just dull the pain with antipsychotics.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:56:22 GMT No. 25618127 >>25618189
>>25618082 Then you should've said so in the beginning you dull-eyed dalit chattel fit only for the lowliest of slaughters for the demonic overlords. >>25618093 Suicide is an objective moral good, especially for piece of shit Bernd niggers who will never become anything of value to anything and purely exist only as braindead grazing slave niggerchattel. There is nothing good or righteous in this world and so escape is the only logical path out of it.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:58:49 GMT No. 25618150
>>25618022 >Hate. Hate. Hate. hate of what? also this happened today - i posted a question in the telegram group of r*ssian speaking inhabitants of the town i currently live in asking where can i buy those plastic long raincoats because i've seen them in a store a while ago but didnt buy, and now when i needed them i didnt find them in that store. so one guy dm-ed me that he is selling that very raincoat that i've seen being sold in the store, and i dont exactly remember what the store price was, but he is selling it for 2 euro and i am 100% sure that the price in the store was much higher, because i remember thinking that the price was outrageous, and 2 euro is not outrageous. so i met up with him and bought the raincoat and went for a walk. and an hour later a cute woman who knows this guy i bought the raincoat from replied to my message in the telegram group that a guy is selling that raincoat that i need, and i posted a selfie on the beach wearing that raincoat i bought (the weather was bad today, cloudy, windy, and with very light occasional rain) and with the text that i have actually already bought the raincoat from that guy but thanks for trying to help. and she replied to my message "great, you look good in it/it fits you (she said тебе идёт in r*ssian, dunno how to translate it in this case), which is a compliment and made me feel good. so women are nice, they give compliments among other things, and i like women
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:03:37 GMT No. 25618189 >>25618290
>>25618127 >Suicide is an objective moral good, especially for piece of shit Bernd niggers who will never become anything of value to anything and purely exist only as braindead grazing slave niggerchattel. There is nothing good or righteous in this world and so escape is the only logical path out of it. but how about if a bernd instead of suicide would just go around town looking for opportunities to help people? just see a woman or an older person carrying something or struggling with something and offer help. some time ago i was walking down a street on the verge of town, i was walking towards a waterfall in the mountainous river and as the town was ending the terrain was becoming hilly and there was an old woman with a cane and a wheeled bag for groceries and she was climbing one hell of inclination up the street and i just approached her and asked her if i can help, she said sure, and i took that wheeled grocery bag and walked with her up the street to her house, and she was quite glad that someone helped her. how about, since our lives are wasted anyway, and the only logical thing to do is suicide, how about we do something like that? i mean, it cant be worse than suicide, right?
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:19:01 GMT No. 25618290
17.89 MB, 1280x720
>>25618189 I mean yeah women can be nice sometimes until they have you fall for it and brutally reject you to feed off your suffering
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