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China’s Homegrown EUV Machines Rumored for Q3 Trial Production, Spelling Trouble for ASML Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:07:27 GMT No. 25613273 [Kohl] [Report thread]
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Dutch semiconductor giant ASML has been banned from selling its most advanced EUV machines to China. ASML President and CEO Christophe Fouquet used to state that prohibiting the export of these machines to China would cause the country’s semiconductor industry to lag 10 to 15 years, as per Dutch media outlet NRC. However, China appears to have found an alternative approach to generating EUV laser light. A January report from the South China Morning Post revealed that a research team from Harbin Provincial Innovation developed a “discharge plasma extreme ultraviolet lithography light source,” capable of producing EUV lights with a 13.5 nm wavelength, meeting the demands of the photolithography market. According to TechPowerUp, China’s new system under testing uses the LDP approach to generate 13.5 nm EUV radiation as well, by vaporizing tin between electrodes and converting it to plasma through high-voltage discharge, with electron-ion collisions producing the required wavelength. Unlike ASML’s LPP (laser-produced plasma) method, which relies on high-energy lasers and complex FPGA-based controls, the report indicates that China’s LDP offers a simpler design, smaller footprint, better energy efficiency, and potentially lower production costs
Total posts: 10, files: 0 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 21:32:33 GMT)
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:09:40 GMT No. 25613278 SÄGE!
Shut the fuck up, spic
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:09:56 GMT No. 25613279 SÄGE! >>25613294
More dumb shit that gayspic doesn't even understand. They are years away from anything useful.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:13:22 GMT No. 25613290 SÄGE!
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:14:11 GMT No. 25613294
>>25613279 If I want to learn the best way to rape children I will ask you proxy, stop having opinions on anything.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:15:51 GMT No. 25613303 >>25613315
>>25613273 >China’s LDP offers a simpler design Alas, looks like another lie in attempt to appear strong. I mean, sure, Global South is in desperate need for its own semiconductor manufacturing technology as it became quite clear that they can never rely on Western manufacturers due to endless slew of sanctions and restrictions imposed mostly by every other new Western politician purely by political populist reasons. But if something says 'miracle' I translate it as 'lie'. If it were possible to make the same product cheaper and easier everyone would do that. Especially the biggest players as they benefit the most from the tiniest cost cuts. So, if China says their process is 'simpler' and 'cheaper' then it's either a barely working inferior bullshit like those Soviet products, or just a total lie which exists only on paper - like those Iranian engineering achievements.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:19:59 GMT No. 25613315 >>25613327
>>25613303 >Its a lie to appear strong because they want to... le take over the world! Stfu retard boomer, IRL geopolitics is not some football game or highschool fashion feud because Becky LaPorsha wore the same top as Stacy Finkelberger dumb fuck.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:22:33 GMT No. 25613327 >>25613332
>>25613315 No. They lie because they're bitter. Like incels who can't get laid due to their own shortcoming like to pretend they have everything to attract a woman but they just don't want to. Think of Islamic states: they don't have science, technologies, economy, food; so they declare those things being bad and unnecessary for a happy Muslim life.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:23:55 GMT No. 25613332
>>25613327 That's the dumbest shit I ever heard, you really are some boomer who didn't develop maturity past highschool bullshit.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:33:44 GMT No. 25613361 SÄGE!
>Chinkoids have FUSION ENERGY (not really)! >Chinkoids have THORIUM REACTORS (not really)! >Chinkoids have photolithography machines capable of process nodes comparable with Wect (not really)! Gayspic is the dumbest subhuman alive
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:42:39 GMT No. 25613384
>China appears to have found an alternative approach to generating EUV laser light. Nothingburger, you still need the mirrors from Zeiss or whatever autistic German company makes them. Also it need to be reliable.
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