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Ways to improve humanity. Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:06:56 GMT No. 25613271 [Kohl] [Report thread]
105.27 kB, 750x725
1. Logic test. Logical reasoning allows humans to impart their thought and ideas, to communicate in a constructive way, and to negotiate when interests are conflicted each other. On the other hand animals that cannot think logically can never be reasoned with. They simply want something and that's it. You can try to manipulate them or you can beat them into submission. But in real life it means you endorse lies, scam, oppression, and wars. Therefore. We need to make a basic logic test and force all people to take it at some age. And then we shall purge anyone who can't pass it. This will solve about 80% of humanity problems immediately. 2. Humane selection. Pure eugenics and selection is dangerous as it's quite clear that managerial decisions are never holistic and miss a lot of nuance. But we can take all ugly, stupid, uncouth, sick, and overall trash people and import them somewhere else. Let's say, we strike a deal with Congo and will send all such people there, no matter their citizenship. It's also quite easy to find such people: just send there all the poor. As all poor are always flawed in one way or another: they're ugly, or lazy, or stupid, or have low self-restraint, or unsociable, or conflicting, or toxic, or aggressive, or prone to commit crimes, or have some physical or mental disability or illness, and so on. Just set a clear threshold for citizens that are allowed to live anywhere to the North of Equator, and then send the dregs to Congo. Simple and elegant. This way we will create a highly cultured and very civilized paradise which will be beneficial to everyone, including the poor. And also, as we don't physically kill those social swills it will be humane. And it will be quite safe as if we find out that some particular negative traits are actually necessary for a healthy society then we always can change our mind and take some of the rabble back. What do you think, Bernd? Also, do you have any other elegant, simple, and uncontroversial ideas about a way to improve humanity?
Total posts: 14, files: 1 (Drowned at Wed, 12 Mar 2025 01:43:13 GMT)
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:12:13 GMT No. 25613286 >>25613312
reality is full of contradictions, logic often doesn't work
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:16:26 GMT No. 25613306 >>25613318
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I think eugenics is gay, human life can't be measured by some fags in a committee The same goes for genetic modification of offspring, given the complexity of genomes you are basically surrendering the future of your child to some fags in a lab and their algorithms
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:19:15 GMT No. 25613312
>>25613286 Sure. But only people capable of logic reasoning can talk, reason, and negotiate. People incapable of logic are no better than insentient animals. You can't have civilization and society with those.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:20:16 GMT No. 25613318
>>25613306 This is why I propose a clear objective solutions: - kill everyone who can't use logic at some age - more all the poor below a certain income threshold to Congo.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:01:33 GMT No. 25613430
You want to improve humanity? Total human death. Exterminate every last son of a bitch on the planet. There will be no more problems then.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:11:21 GMT No. 25613446
Just teach people how to meditate.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:16:04 GMT No. 25613459
Just learn how to meditate.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:18:31 GMT No. 25613462
Just watch a video on youtube on how to meditate but then don't do anything
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 03:47:55 GMT No. 25613684
Just sterilize black people.
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:41:10 GMT No. 25613827 (removed)
>>25613271 11. Kill all the jews 22. Shrink nigger boys to like 20 million total 3. Do nothing and witness miracles
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:41:32 GMT No. 25613829
1. Kill all the jews 2. Shrink nigger boys to like 20 million total 3. Do nothing and witness miracles
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:42:22 GMT No. 25613831 >>25613847 >>25613855
exterminate negros exterminate jews exterminate islam burn the catholic church
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:46:11 GMT No. 25613847
>>25613831 force all spanish ex-colonies to anglo style law and order break up russia into smaller countries so it will never post a geopolitical threat
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 04:48:10 GMT No. 25613855
>>25613831 stop all HIV medicine development bomb all HIV medicine production if you get HIV, you are dead thus the gay male population is eliminated the trans population is eliminated if you stop food aid to Africa, the negro population drops
Bernd Tue, 11 Mar 2025 05:31:21 GMT No. 25613969
>>25613271 it would be better to put them om some kind of island since you can escape from congo put them in australia and let them mine coal
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