Holding dangerous dog races is strictly forbidden in the great nation of Germany. And also in the great nation of England.
Further your countrymen acted very cowardly and let this poor man die because they didn't want to risk getting hurt.
>>25612876>women in charge of dangerous animal>lesbians>ni- black man defending himself>woman blaming on men as usual and not taking responsability
First time on the nigga side.
Im sorry but your references from the RuPaul faggot world are lost on me, perhaps try to actually have a dialogue with me, you dumb junkie
>oh no look a guy is getting eaten alive by pitbulls!>we'd better go gently poke the dogs with a stick, move a trash can around, do something with a piece of a metal gate, and hold a brick or something near the pitbulls like maybe we might throw it
Brits lost all ability to defend themselves from anything at all. They wholly and completely rely on female disabled police officers to protect them from papercuts, knife wielding maniacs, and offensive social media posts online
>>25613367>why didn't this septuagenarian take on 2 pitbulls
The videos here are the elite pitbull killers in the world. 90% of cases people and animals get hurt