What happens in Uzbekistan?
Did you know it's the country with the 36th highest population, and with a rather high fertility still?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:57:24 GMT
No. 25611887
Yes, Poland invented studying Uzbekistan, naturally most Poles know that Uzbekistan has the 36th highest population and a rather high fertility. Polish scholars are leading in studies on Uzbekistan.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:58:35 GMT
No. 25611902
Water wars. Lots of pending water wars. And even more unfinished water wars.
The socialist retards tried to grow cotton in a desert. They diverted rivers away from the Aral Sea for this project. Now the Aral Sea is dead.
China dams the other rivers which are sourced from and fed by mountain ranges in Xinjiang and maybe Tibet too. The countries directly east of Uzbek: Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan obviously enjoy the water first before it reaches Uzbekistan. They also want to dam these rivers and keep the water for themselves and for hydropower generation too.
Uzbekistan is the most populous central Asian country but it's water dependent on its eastern neighbours. This has already caused some tension and some small wars have already been fought. It's a powder keg imo.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:59:24 GMT
No. 25611908
Do you perhaps know which country is the 37th most populous?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:04:26 GMT
No. 25611969
>The socialist retards tried to grow cotton in a desert.
that's a retarded lie, even if you just read wikipedia you will get a much more realistic picture
imagine not even being able to read trough wikipedia
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:04:53 GMT
No. 25611978
>The socialist retards tried to grow cotton in a desert.
that's a retarded lie, even if you just read wikipedia you will get a much more realistic picture
imagine not even being able to read trough wikipedia before shitting out your retarded opinion
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:11:24 GMT
No. 25612047
Which truth isn't true?
The socialists didn't try to grow cotton?
Or that central Asia isn't a vast desert?
Or the worst one of them all, that socialists aren't retards?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:13:20 GMT
No. 25612069
Mostly drugs. Some pilaf cooking.
45% of their GDP are the money sent home from people working in Russia.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:14:57 GMT
No. 25612087
>45% of their GDP are the money sent home from people working in Russia.
That's really, really sad. Considering the average salary for unskilled labour in poccnr.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:21:03 GMT
No. 25612149
Has anyone done any tourism in those lands? I imagine since they're backwaters, they're pretty nice to enjoy still.