You feel happy about the paychecks that you receive in your country?
Do you feel happy about retirement programs and investing? Realestate?
Do you trust your country's Banks and your country's future?
Is the idea of being an entrepreneur in your country something that you believe in it is it something that's really difficult?
Are you happy about saving money in your cunt tree?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:37:44 GMT
No. 25611194
what is that face trying to convey? i'd fuck her so hard that she would need surgery to fix her child pussy
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:38:08 GMT
No. 25611203
I'm an amerifat obviously and i just got paid $350 to open a bank account. I got a second job and i wanted a second bank account to stay insured by the FDIC which is $250k per account in muttmerica.
In Switzerland i think you're only covered for €113k or something like that or maybe it's in francs
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:39:19 GMT
No. 25611216
I thought about moving to Switzerland and learning about it was fun but Americans really are kings.
I think unless you have a specific job or life getting dual citizenship would be worthless and lose money for an American?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:45:15 GMT
No. 25611267
No, no
No because the bankers are running the country
I cant refuse service to blacks, gays, french, or the handicapped so yes its difficult to run my own business. Big cities are requiring a certain amount of minorities as workers now.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:53:28 GMT
No. 25611339
We're all polcels and everything and that's true but i meant your real actual money...
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:57:41 GMT
No. 25611389
Putin and the corona virus DESTROYED american lives. I looked at my moms IRA and it went from an average of 8% interest overall to 5% interest
The crash of '22 made her account -13% that year! Just horror novie crash.
I believe russia is a strong military and a global power but after their inability to coordinate that power and get bogged down in an endless 2 year war instead of a bloodless easy roll in and take ukraine their prestige is gone
I believe they could go for Georgia as they had ease taking parts of it before but it would be very foolish to move east I'd be so surprised. They lose land every day in ukraine.
I think it's a genuine concern but hopefully Russia has realized the ussr is no possible and that they lost people and money
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:59:30 GMT
No. 25611404
I think all they realised is that usa cant be trusted and eu has 0 political will to do anything
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:10:38 GMT
No. 25611508
You live there you tell us? Tou really think they'll win in ukraine then come for you kek?
That would obliterate your savings and lif ei imagine
daya has natural beauty but the fucking chinese air brush her until she looks like shitty AI. I hate them so much.
It's hard owning your own business in the jewSA because of the insurances and taxes. The tax man purposely rapes you in the ass to encourage wage slavery. The tax code is there to confuse you so you mess up and they can rape you some more. This only leaves a dedicated tax specialist who reserves a special rape fee for entrepreneurs.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:39:05 GMT
No. 25611750
lel I thought double equal sign was spoiler
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:55:50 GMT
No. 25611875
>You feel happy about the paychecks that you receive in your country?
In particular, I receive a little more than the usual minimum, but nothing to take me out of the lower-middle class. I feel satisfied despite sometimes having to wait a little longer to get something I want, and also bearing in mind that there are things I simply won't have for the next 6 years at least thanks to some responsibilities and needs, such as a PS5, or even the PS4.
>Do you feel happy about retirement programs and investing? Realestate?
I've simply never had the reason, the opportunity or the space to talk about investing or owning a house, although I dream that in middle age or old age I might, MIGHT get a chance to try to own a house, even though I know that in that situation I would die without paying off the debt.
About pension programs, they are good, but they have been better, the left and the Zionist right are doing away with them, taking advantage of the vagrancy and mean-spiritedness of the democratic system, whose funds that theoretically should go to that, go into the pockets of the damn democratic politicians, and the people are too cowardly to do anything but listen to the fraudulent electronic ballot box every four years.
>Do you trust your country's Banks and your country's future?
If nothing changes, my country will become a real bucket of miscegenation and creoles dominated by the left and crime. I don't trust the banks because they're all controlled by Jews and they take advantage of working people. They put up fees and charges for subscriptions that you didn't make, and if you don't complain with serious complaints and proof that it's right, they even threaten to cancel your account but they don't take it back.
>Is the idea of being an entrepreneur in your country something that you believe in it is it something that's really difficult?
Practically impossible if you don't have cases in the family, or enough money. You can't start from scratch, you don't earn anything and there are two options: either you give up, or you keep trying and losing what little you have until you end up in greater misery than when you started.
>Are you happy about saving money in your cunt tree?
When possible, but never anything more than what would be 50 dollars for you, because here, incredible as it may seem, nothing from the poor works.
Have you paid your bills? The gas runs out.
Did you change the gas? The shower burns out.
Change the heating element? Your child or you get sick.
Did you buy medicine? Your license expires (when it does).
Have you paid for your license? Your tire goes flat.
Did you change it? The food runs out.
And so on.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:00:43 GMT
No. 25611919
And now you will fly to her, and you will battle her to the death.
Black and White. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the cunnyhistory of the KCworld: Tween versus Loli; day versus night; Daya Daughter of CutepedoKC versus Vero of HotPedoKC!
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:03:09 GMT
No. 25611951
err. I'm a farmer. I got sheep and cows and they sell at the local mart.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:05:01 GMT
No. 25611980
this vid and the one of her as Harley Quinn are something else, my money's on her
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:05:41 GMT
No. 25611987
She would be Batman, Batzy wins in BatvsSup.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:05:46 GMT
No. 25611990
That's terrifying. Have you thought about switching to another currency and then fleeing? If you were to be invaded by a foreign power?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:06:38 GMT
No. 25612002
I think wage slavery is true. Let's say youmake more well your house and car and woman are more now too. They lock you in i think
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:07:09 GMT
No. 25612006
No you live in the united kingdom which is a very nice country
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:09:18 GMT
No. 25612027
Goddesses rule my little paedo life.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:09:28 GMT
No. 25612030
They should make a superhero movie but with cunny instead.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:09:51 GMT
No. 25612033
They do just don't let anyone know you saw them
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:10:07 GMT
No. 25612036
I would definitely go to the cinema to watch it.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:17:46 GMT
No. 25612116
that is true, but being a farmer is outside the norms of the economy. my paycheque is from the auctions. like £20-£70k a few times per year. my retirement program is my kids. real estate, I has it. banks? it's literally illegal to sell my land unless it's for cash, banks... entrepreneur? I know people in the sheep game who when they have more money just spend it all on sheep.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:49:58 GMT
No. 25612441
I missed the pics damn it.
In America farmers are very economic all our machinery has computers it's vwry tied to modernity and markets despite what normies may think
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:50:55 GMT
No. 25612447
Why did he delete it i wanna see the cute farm animals too!
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:53:17 GMT
No. 25612464
Interesting read thanks you for your response.
Isn't south brazil the white haven or something like that? Could it ever break off and form a paradise? Does it have economic validity?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:53:57 GMT
No. 25612471
I hope he wasn't offended by pedo stuff. I feel sad and rejected please come back so we can e i e i o together i want the lambs back
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:55:19 GMT
No. 25612481
Maybe but there is a cunny bunny at the start of the thread so he would've known
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:55:35 GMT
No. 25612486
No, we have a massive housing shortage in the US because of our stupid single-family zoning laws.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:14:00 GMT
No. 25612658
that's insane cope, there's a ton of lying behind it, my hometown is officially 87% white but in reality it's not even 30%, there's a ton of shitskins being counted as white and it's even worse the further north you go
and it doesn't make a difference that there's half a dozen villages with 5k people that are actually white if everyone there is old and all young people move to shitskin big cities where they eventually racemix too
not really worth going into more detail than that but keep in mind even kc has plenty of people who are completely delusional about that subject, south Brazil hasn't been majority white in decades and even in the past it would depend on the part you were looking at
>If nothing changes
this country will only change for the worse, every cunt is a result of its people and the 80IQ masses increasingly outbreed everyone else
for a while we were reaping the results of past euro immigration but we're past that stage now
honestly i think most BR bernds don't even understand how fucked this country is because they either never left momma's basement or never acquired more wealth than a favelado
the rule is clear: the middle class will dwindle until it dies, the people who rule this country don't want any potential competition which is why laws are incredibly oppressive unless you're one of the king's buddies who has the means to circumvent it
honestly if I knew what I know now back in high school I would have done everything in my power to emigrate to the US, it's certainly not perfect but still miles ahead of this place
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 23:47:31 GMT
No. 25612908
I wake up everyday knowing that male russians don/t deserve russian Lgs
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 00:04:00 GMT
No. 25612996
>You feel happy about the paychecks that you receive in your country?
Obviously no, 0 checks
>Do you feel happy about retirement programs and investing?
Small apartment and house badly located that I will have to share with my sister in the future. Family planing to buy a bigger house out city, preferably a "small farm".
>Do you trust your country's Banks and your country's future?
Absolutely no.
>Is the idea of being an entrepreneur in your country something that you believe in it is it something that's really difficult?
The Brazilian government works actively and effortlessly to make sure only few "king friends" can achieve success here, they are the worst national enemy by far, not even millions of dark people, geography and culture added are bad as the state.
>Are you happy about saving money in your cunt tree?
<saving money
I can't understand, what is that?!
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 01:42:50 GMT
No. 25613385
>Family planing to buy a bigger house out city, preferably a "small farm".
unless it's remote enough that the government can be ignored get ready to be raped by taxes
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 03:24:05 GMT
No. 25613612
I'm well aware of colorism in south America but i really did believe there was a substantial white population. That fills me with chagrin to read and i thank you for enlightening me.
Are you of mestizo heritage or are you one of the very few Caucasians? Brazil is dear to me as one of the first nazis i ever met was from brazil he was tall blonde and played soccer extremely racist especially to blacks and kikes
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 03:27:00 GMT
No. 25613624
I fucking loathe taxes. They're higher than fuck and never get used roght it makes my blood boil.
They rob a huge portion of your income wuite frankly.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 03:28:02 GMT
No. 25613627
I fucking loathe taxes. They're higher than fr*ck and never get used right it makes my blood boil.
They rob a huge portion of your income quite frankly.
Tue, 11 Mar 2025 03:28:38 GMT
No. 25613628
I'm an iberian mutt
A closerelative did a DNA test and it was 35% iberian, 30% german(bawu,hesse,oldenburg), 12% northeast italian, 9% danish, 10% "broadly central euro", 4% corsican