>Ukraine is doing much better than anyone could have predicted.
Well this is just patently false.
Ukraine was predicted to have pushed back in several counteroffenseives that failed. Russia was expected to have collapsed, even according to major powers in Europe and USA's own government. Everyone funding Ukraine predicted better to the public, while they may not have had the same opinion in private. You can look at the predictions yourself. You're just either lying or a moron. I think the latter.
If losing was the prediction, then funding them and not collapsing Russia in the process is simultaneously stupid and evil.
>All we have to to is keep sending them the small amount of money and they can hold back a much more powerful manpower wise force.
You dumb fuck, they aren't holding anything. You just don't know apparently. Sure the loss is painful and slow, just like any war of attrition. But they aren't holding at all.
>The longer the war goes on, the worse it gets for Russia because they can't capture anything important or make headway into an advance. The russkies are always held back, and it's beautiful.
Again, this is just factually false. Ukraine couldn't keep this up even with the full support they were given, and they can certainly not keep this up indefinitely. Even your own government and the governments of Europe know this to be true, even if they won't say it out loud.
I'm not even going to finish. You're completely delusional.