How do i earn money as an artist?
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 15:02:12 GMT
No. 25608824
become betsy and make trending tik tok youtube videos
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 15:04:40 GMT
No. 25608837
well, often even successful artists make money only after their deaths
my advice would be to create art for the love of it
there are always better ways to make money
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 15:23:36 GMT
No. 25608918
Commissions on the internet (very unfun in my opinion because you constantly have to draw stuff you don't even want to draw, plus a lot of attention whoring on the internet involved)
Getting published (literally impossible, especially if you live in the west where there is literally no art scene apart from capeshit fantasy)
Sending your artworks to galleries (Maybe doable if you are good, I don't think you can make much money with this tho)
Selling artworks on the internet (The market is so saturated nowadays, I think it's very difficult to get enough followers)
Become a tattoo "artist" (The last option for the desperate degenerate, also needs a lot of money to start a business tho)
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:17:40 GMT
No. 25609177
if you were a real artist you would not care about earning money with art
it would happen as a consequence naturally
you already failed
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:18:30 GMT
No. 25609181
splash some paint on the canvas and persuade people it's worth a million dollars
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:26:41 GMT
No. 25609225
50%-50%, things changed, nowdays every artist must be business savvy, even to a minimum degree. You're fighting against algorithms, internet, AI and overall competition.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:57:05 GMT
No. 25609405
Making money with art is very difficult. I think I probably could have managed to do it, if my retarded single mother ever cared to buy me a computer and internet. But like this, I had to teach everything myself, had barely any inspiration, no perspective, no internet followers, nothing.
Now I can draw very well, but I am also old and have no motivation anymore. If you want to make money with art, noone will tell you how to do it. You have to do everything yourself. You have to learn how to draw, you have to make a portfolio yourself. And making a portfolio is actually very difficult, because there is a huge difference between just drawing some nice drawings every now and then and making a whole map full of nice and detailed artworks. And when you have nobody who acres about your artwork, you also will feel less motivation to do art. It's very difficult to get into this, because making good art takes so much fucking time.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:58:58 GMT
No. 25609420
You can easily earn a small amount of money from art. Making a living in art is living life on hardmode. I think it would be easiest to find out what the local band scene is missing (drummers, bassists, singers) and try and master an instrument so I can gig.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:01:34 GMT
No. 25609445
>You can easily earn a small amount of money from art.
How? It's not easy at all. No matter how good you are, noone will give a shit about you, because you have no name in the art scene.
In order to sell, you need a name, and if you don't sell, you also feel no motivation to create.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:09:18 GMT
No. 25609519
I try to not think about making money with art. I just really like drawing and it's the only thing I ever had in my life which gave me some kind of fullfilliment, so I will continue to do it.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:11:31 GMT
No. 25609538
You can play music on the street or gig in small time bars. You can do visual for other people like designing logos. You can sell your art for cheap.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:14:24 GMT
No. 25609563
>You can sell your art for cheap.
Where? I don't know of any place where I could sell my small drawings. There is no gallery where I live which sells anime inspired drawings. Not that I know of at least.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:27:49 GMT
No. 25609660
You can sell them for 10-30 bucks to your friends and family. A small amount is easy. Making a living as in artist is being in the top 1% of winners
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:32:58 GMT
No. 25609698
>Making a living as in artist is being in the top 1% of winners
Most professional artists are complete shit tho. Yet they somehow managed to make a living with it anyway.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:39:49 GMT
No. 25609734
I don't know man, I'm pretty inspired every day by music and every time I try to pick up the bass it seems like a difficult and hard journey to be on like a professional performing and composition level. People are really talented and they earn their money a lot of the times. A lot can be a shitty pyramid scheme popularity contest, I hear and feel that. But not all. Music/art is still a frontier where people can really blossom.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:42:00 GMT
No. 25609743
Neither is the guy who wrote the song.
Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:43:07 GMT
No. 25609753
People usually have shit taste. They may be have good work ethics, but their taste and view of the world is complete garbage. In the end it all just depends on how where you grow up anyway. My life was ruined from the start.