It doesn‘t have nukes anyway to answer. Just nuke the shit out of it and kill all hohol terrorists hiding there.
Is canada in some sort of nato alliance too with some similar crap like article 5?
Total posts: 52,
files: 6 (Drowned at Tue, 11 Mar 2025 05:37:35 GMT)
Is Canada even real? Has any non-Canadian Bernd visited it? How can we confirm that it really exists? What if it's all a big psyop, like the globe earth idea?
Neutral my ass. All media is leftist propaganda and also they imposed sanctions on Russia. Only FPÖ is relatively based but still has cringelord as leader.
Soviets were based.
Should have stayed here.
Now country is occupied by a bunch of clowns and extremists welcoming sandnigger rapefugees thugs eho chimp out around and talk loud in public transport.
Fucking disgusting.
That was different Bernd.
All this circlejerking over WWII over how you helped destroy the world better than USA is pretty gay to be honest.
He isn't even austrian, he is gypsy gastarbeiter, hotel room cleaner.
Then he does drugs and writes retarded stuff on KC to cope with being underclass.
Shut the fuck up, pshexcrement. You are literally subhuman parasite existing on my taxes. You should be annexed by Russia together with all belters except maybe Danzig which must go back to Germany when Trump disbands nato.
Go on huffing, gypo parasite.
You are the Ausländer, you have to go back to your shit hole, back to your shithole brethren.
You will never be white, European or non-retarded.