Is dat sum glider? Or is that a pusher I see on the back? Either way, I straight-up would like to try that, and where would one acquire such a thing?
>dat fucking minimalist biplane, oh, lawdy
>>25605918>i don't have any space
It's called Lebensraum, bruder, and you should look into it.
More people need to get more involved these days, I feel.
stop making excuses, just go to the airport and start taking flying lessons, its not that expensive. while you're in the process of doing that you'll meet people who be willing to help you figure out the process of building a kit plane.
The flying is the easy part.
I'm not saying you can't do the rest, but you'll probably be doing it alone and there is a lot to learn. Kits might be the way to go but they'll cost a lot more.