The overlords of Globohomo are all psychopaths. The Consiglieres of the overlords are all psychopaths. The minions of the Globohomoids are doomed, cannon fodder, slaves the upper management anticipates with joy toying with and torturing to death, or using as brood mares and studs.
The psychopaths all are incapable of loyalty. They all work together as long as it's in their personal interests, but as soon as actual victory is in sight, they begin the machinations to maneuver themselves into the ultimate God King that will rule everything and everyone.
They are incapable of not doing this.
This means that, because this Machiavellian doublecrossing of each other has to begin before victory has been achieved, or the late starters will be too late to succeed, that there will still be relic populations of good people that are capable of mutual affection, love, loyalty, and defending each other against Globohomo.
These people will be the most good, the most loyal and intelligent, most capable of defending each other, of producing their necessities and the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization. The best and the brightest that manage to survive the polycrisis and democidal destruction of humanity due to their superlative qualities.
Once Globohomo begins doublecrossing each other that house will divide against each other, while the surviving mentally healthy people will become even more unified with the purpose of the survival of the human species, and the destruction of the vile Talmudslimes that are the embodiment of the root of all evil, the model on which Satan was based.
tl;dr Globohomo will defeat itself, and humanity will defend itself loyally, out of mutual love and affection, and personal self-esteem that declines to betray the sound principles on which civil society is based.