>female privilege buttons
tbh males have better and easier orgasms, clits are overrated because of porn and because how hard it is to stimulate it so once females get orgasms from it they think it's something super-duper special
>>25594717> how hard it is to stimulate it
actually clits are very sensitive, like a benin glans of a young man when he pulls back his foreskin for the first time in his life
eh, i guess you never knew such feel
meh, i wish i was circumcised and not had phimosis all my life
because of it i was afraid to get close to a girl in the army that was clearly hitting on me and wanted to fugg ;_;
well obviously the situation is too embarrassing to ask for help at young age
eventually i just stretched it out manually several years later
>>25594923>be woman>lick another womans genitals>dont have penis to stick it into her, and she doesn't have one to stick into you>beat her for being the wrong sex>kys
I had a girl who hated touching it directly no matter how light you do it. And a girl who loved extreme stimulation, you know like strumming a guitar in a metal band. Weird huh.
The problem with big clits is that they are never alone, it's always accompanied by roast labia and I hate roastbeef pussies. I would not care at all if the bitch has a dick sized clit.
>>25596646>roast labia
I unironically love playing with it. Imagine if you had a cut dick and no balls, just the shaft with no lose skin - what a boring shit it would be.
imagine you come home from a long day of work to your goon cave and you find these two doing this on your bed (you've never seen them before)
damn that dick is really big. look at the size difference between it and the pussy. it looks like it couldnt even fit in there, yet it does. i will never be able to have that. i will never stretch a woman